Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

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  • #100665 Reply

      “SCOTT RITTER: 72 Hours
      Last weekend, the world came very close to nuclear war.”
      I do not like his scaremongering.
      But there is some good info in the middle.

      #100666 Reply

        EU Parliament vote:

        “MEPs: Ukraine must be able to strike legitimate military targets in Russia”

        VOTES were:

        425 YES
        131 NO
        63 abstained

        #100667 Reply


          And the europeans want to keep that WW3 feeling:

          Let Ukraine strike into the heart of Russia, MEPs urge EU countries

          Do these people even know what this mean? What if Russia aided Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya with long distance missiles that was MEANT to strik the US/EU?? How would europeans feel about that?
          It is high time Russia either break off relations with the EU in total. If Russia keep doing nothing, well Russia cannot be surprised when EU keep escalating and escalating to well obviously WW3.

          I have never understood when people hail, support the EU project, this is waht it lead to, a gigantic bureaucracy ruled by unelected warmongering, led above everything by the US.

          #100671 Reply

            To be clear, that EU parliament vote is non-binding and doesn’t change the official EU stance on the issue nor any of the member states’ stance. It’s PR fluff.

            #100705 Reply

              “A MEP argues in EU parliament against prolonging the war in Ukraine.

              They immediately cut his mic, and lecture him on how there’s “no democracy and no freedom of speech” in Russia…”


              #100707 Reply

                A day of sad news.
                My small hometown Tikhoretsk, where I grew up, was hit today. 1,200 people were evacuated. They say there was a very large explosion, but it seems there were no casualties.

                Yesterday, the Investigative Committee reported that those responsible for the death of a former American citizen who fought on the side of Donbass have been identified. Four Russian soldiers have been named as the killers. I can’t wrap my head around how this is possible. However, I accept that the Russian investigation did not lie, but told the truth, albeit a bitter one.

                And for Jack,
                today two missile and artillery weapons depots were destroyed, and a cargo ship with missiles and ammunition from Western countries was damaged.
                It’s good that weapons are destroyed en route, before they kill people, right?

                #100708 Reply


                  Yes sure it is good but you must agree with me that it is going way too slow? Are you not surprised yourself how Ukraine easily move arms from the polish/western border where they are unloaded and right into Russia proper (like Kursk) hundreds of miles?

                  #100709 Reply

                    Tatyana, I’ll say I’m sorry, because that’s all I have.

                    Yes; I wish all humanity’s weapons would suddenly vanish, or crumble to dust.

                    #100710 Reply


                      Thanks for news “from the other side”. Which means at least we know it´s true.
                      As for the 4 Russians, if one mn. people fight on a frontline a lot of shit happens…

                      #100717 Reply

                        Sorry but these are fucking, dumb, uneducated, incompetent, genocidal racist idiots.
                        And this has to end at some point.
                        By mass protest, I don´t know.

                        “EU’s Defense Chief Says Europe Must Be Ready To Fight Russia in 6-8 Years
                        Andrius Kubilius, former prime minister of Lithuania, was appointed as the EU’s first defense commissioner”


                        Of course they are completely inferior to RU and eventually all that happens is, they are hollowing out the societies who have to live with the consequences of their stupidity long after these criminals have left office (compare for that people like Angela Merkel, or as I dare speculate, A.L. Baebock after 2025. And countless others who have been forgotten by the public but live on incredible pensions today.)

                        p.s. and this: THE DURAN on the Madness of King Z. the First:

                        [ MOD : AG, you have been asked before, but we apparently must ask again.

                        Could you kindly desist from using your obscure, unconventional, ad-hoc abbreviations (eg ‘mn.’ instead of ‘million’) throughout your posts. ]

                        #100743 Reply

                          Denmark: NATO member calls for end to Ukraine red lines

                          Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has claimed that NATO should take a no-holds-barred policy towards the Ukraine conflict and allow Kiev fire long range missiles deep into Russia. Public discussion on how far NATO countries should go to defeat Russia only plays into Moscow’s hands, she argued.

                          This warlusting woman do not realize that if west ignore all red lines, so will Russia, against the west.

                          #100756 Reply

                            …until now red lines were articuated by the West only, not RU. The latest warning was the first genuinely Russian red line. All others, as far as I remember, preceding, were created by us in order to offer us a chance to overcome an obstacle and prove our bravery and loyalty. So fiction from top to bottom…
                            Which of course doesn´t change any of your assessment. These people are sick, dumb and simply stupid.

                            #100757 Reply

                              With following I seriously find it difficult to shape an appropriate sure judgement:
                              antiwar protest in RU.

                              Jacobin has a long interview with an Italian who published an interview book on this topic.
                              Normally I wouldn´t hesitate a second concerning protest.
                              But it´s difficult here.

                              I am opposed to the government suppressing protest.
                              But from the protesters´ side – if – as I honestly do by now – regard this war as a war for national self-preservation against an enemy who will never negotiate for real – how do I react to the war effort?

                              Because eventually there is only one choice: Either you do fight or you don´t.
                              That is as archaic as it gets.
                              If the other side is sane. It´s easy to answer.
                              But THIS?

                              “In Today’s Russia, Dissent Means Keeping Hope Alive
                              An interview with
                              Maria Chiara Franceschelli

                              In Russia, signs of opposition to the war in Ukraine haven’t developed into a mass movement. State repression has closed off the avenues of mass politics, forcing dissidents into mainly symbolic protests.”


                              As the Italian book is concerned:

                              I have issues with her co-author:
                              Federico Varese
                              His CV reminds me too much of MI-6 think.
                              If rightly so or not I have no clue. Perhaps I am just seeing ghosts:

                              Federico Varese is the author of “The Russian Mafia” (Oxford University Press 2001), “Mafie in movimento” (Einaudi 2011), “Vita di mafia” (Einaudi 2017) and “La Russia in quattro criminali” (Einaudi 2022), as well as numerous academic essays. His books have won awards and appeared in ten languages. He is currently Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po, Paris, and a Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He has edited the magazine Global Crime and written for the New York Times and the Times of London. He contributes to the Times Literary Supplement and la Repubblica.

                              #100762 Reply

                                For years we heard that nazi accusations against Ukraine was bold, nasty lies by Russia. You cannot make this up:

                                Warsaw reminds Kiev of its Nazi past
                                Ukrainians served in Waffen SS units and were complicit in the Holocaust during WWII, Andrzej Duda has recalled

                                “Please remember that Ukrainians have many problems with their history. This is not only the problem of the Volyn massacre, but also service in SS units, collaboration with the authorities of the Third Reich, and participation in the Holocaust,” Duda said.


                                #100777 Reply

                                  180 civilians killed by, I assume, mercenaries:

                                  MILITARY CORPS MARAT KHAIRULLIN
                                  ❗️❗️❗️Dear friends! We ask for maximum reposts!
                                  Ukrainian military during their retreat from Novogrodovka (Pokrovsk direction) committed another mass murder of civilians.
                                  About 180 people, mostly women, children and old people, were hiding in basements in the village, waiting for the Russian army to arrive.
                                  During their retreat, Ukrainian military methodically went through all residential buildings and killed everyone they could find. There are recorded acts of burning living people, including children, along with their houses. Only seven people remained alive in the village.
                                  Friends, this information must be disseminated, since hundreds of people in the Selidovo-Pokrovsk agglomeration are waiting for our soldiers to arrive. Maximum publicity, including international, will save the lives of these people and stop the atrocities of the Ukrainian military!

                                  #100779 Reply

                                    I’m in no way intending to question your good intentions, but Marat Khairullin is a very famous hockey player. The choice of such a name for the telegram channel could be made out of desire to attract more audience.
                                    I really don’t want to unnecessarily slander a possibly quite honest person, but this makes me doubt. It’s just so weird to see Khairullin name in this context.

                                    #100791 Reply

                                      No problem 😉

                                      The guy in question here is this:

                                      “Marat Khairullin
                                      Military correspondent, documentarian and journalist.
                                      Since March 2022, Marat Khairullin has been constantly in the SMO zone.
                                      In information and humanitarian areas, Marat Khairullin collaborates with the First Guards Slavic Brigade, which is currently conducting combat work on the Avdeevka sector of the front.
                                      As a military correspondent, worked in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Chechnya.”


                                      p.s. regardless of the personnel: The question over war crimes committed mainly by (foreign) mercenary troops on Ukraine´s side is one of the most eclipsed in the West.
                                      NOBODY WRITES ABOUT it here. Even events we have witnesses of. It´s INCREDIBLE. It´s mentioned may be by tiny daily Junge Welt which has a couple of thousand readers. And the usual online outlets. But there is no follow-up reporting. Simply because it would be extremely time-consuming and difficult to do your own genuine research because NATO has huge fucking lid on this issue.
                                      Which on the other hand makes it probably among the most researched crimes by RU military internal intelligence.

                                      #100800 Reply

                                        re: nuclear doctrine discussion

                                        Just in the unlikely case it´s of interest (after all you are surrounded by RU media info aleady.)

                                        This TV report of 25 min. includes an interview with Dmitry Stefanovich, RU WMD-expert, who also spoke about missile defense at the Valdai Club this year. It´s in Russian so I cannot comment further. But I trust Stefanovich who posted it on his Twitter account. I read all his other English stuff.

                                        #100801 Reply

                                          And this is in English, so Tatyana doesn´t have to translate it for us 😉

                                          A text about Finland developig into NATO´s most important frontline:

                                          “Santa’s New Neighbor: NATO in Lapland”

                                          Nikita Lipunov, Analyst at MGIMO Institute for International Studies (IMI MGIMO)

                                          #100820 Reply

                                            Thanks for your contributions, AG!
                                            Tatyana finished crafting a new workbench today 🙂
                                            so she’s taking a break from the noisy jigsaw and vacuum cleaner with a glass of gin and tonic, and she’s completely absorbed in thinking about the upcoming colossal improvements to her creative projects with this new comfortable workspace.
                                            In the absence of Meta platforms (aka Instagram and Facebook where I was active), I hope you can see ‘Me and a Screwdriver’ here (the scredrider is on the left)

                                            On Monday evening I’ll give an essay on the link, ok?

                                            #100828 Reply

                                              Your place looks really neat.
                                              Well done!

                                              (And if I were your neighbour I would ask you for help with my Mac which has a single screw which I cannot get out because the metal it´s made of is too soft and its cross in the head is gone. I have no grip any more for my screwdriver.
                                              Right now I appear to have two options, one, get a mini-drill online. Or use glue to glue the screwdriver onto the screw´s head to creat some “momentum” to apply enough force to loosen it.)
                                              Looking forward to your essay!

                                              p.s. just found this, a history paper from King´s College, 2001:

                                              “Attitudes of the British political elite towards the Soviet Union, May 1937- August 1939”
                                              by Louise Grace Shaw
                                              King’s College London
                                              Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis

                                              pdf download:

                                              Makes a decent impression.
                                              From the abstract:

                                              This thesis is an examination of the attitudes of the British political elite
                                              towards the Soviet Union and an assessment of the influence such attitudes had
                                              upon British foreign policy between May 1937 – August 1939. The British
                                              political elite in this thesis include members of the Cabinet, Foreign Policy
                                              Committee, and Chiefs of Staff, Foreign Office officials, ambassadors and
                                              diplomats, and those members of the Conservative party and opposition
                                              elsewhere referred to as the `anti-appeasers. ‘ Using a large number of private
                                              papers, diaries and memoirs, as well as official government and Foreign Office
                                              records, the thesis provides a uniquely detailed and critical analysis of
                                              individuals. The views of the Soviet Union and of Anglo-Soviet collaboration
                                              amongst Foreign Office officials and the anti-appeasers especially have not
                                              before been examined in such depth. Nor have the views of the different groups
                                              within the British political elite been comparatively examined in one work.
                                              In terms of the existing literary debate concerning this area of history, the thesis
                                              belongs to the counter-revisionist school of thought. Thus, it does not accept
                                              that politicians were constrained by factors outside of their control and instead
                                              suggests that there existed an alternative to the policy of appeasement pursued
                                              by Neville Chamberlain, namely an Anglo-French-Soviet alliance. Not only does
                                              this thesis contend that there should have been an Anglo-French-Soviet
                                              alliance, but, more importantly, it contributes to existing literature by revealing
                                              how an alliance could have been, and so nearly was, concluded. Attitudes
                                              towards the Soviet Union were not simplistic and the thesis emphasises the
                                              complexities of attitudes that existed. Ultimately, however, it reveals that
                                              Britain’s loss of a Soviet ally was due to the unwillingness of certain ministers to
                                              put aside their anti-Soviet prejudices during the foreign policy decision making

                                              “If Mr Chamberlain on receipt of the Russian offer [of a
                                              triple alliance ] had replied: “Yes. Let us three bond together
                                              and break Hitler’s neck”, or words to that effect, Parliament
                                              would have approved, Stalin would have understood, and
                                              history might have taken a different course.”
                                              Churchill, 1948

                                              #100833 Reply

                                                If the cross is still visible, try putting a piece of rubber on it. If the screw is very small, thin latex will do, for example, a piece from a medical glove or a condom. If it’s large enough, then perhaps you need thicker rubber, from silicone kitchen napkins.
                                                If the screwdriver still has nothing to grab on to, you can use cyanoacrylate glue (super glue, instant glue) and baking soda to create a new screw head. But this should only be done if there is a gap between the screw and the body that allows you to use something as protection, otherwise you will glue the screw to the body tightly. I would use the same latex from the glove.
                                                Or, install a thin cylinder of a suitable size on the screw so that it serves as a formwork for the glue and soda. Smaller than the diameter of the screw head, for example, a small piece of a drinking straw, a plastic rod from a writing pen, heat shrink for wires, etc.

                                                #100856 Reply

                                                  Thank you!!!
                                                  I didn´t expect you to help out over this distance 😉

                                                  I have to first finish a project before I go into this matter which has been bothering me for months.
                                                  But the Mac needs to be operational right now 24/7. And the risk if something goes south with a repair is too big.

                                                  It is a single tiny inside screw used to fixate an internal drive.

                                                  The baking soda is so advanced I didn´t think of that.
                                                  And I did think of rubber but no the glove as the proper source.
                                                  So thanks again.

                                                  #100858 Reply

                                                    Oh, please check your screwdriver, it may have a magnetic head. In this case, I’d be very cautious with applying it anywhere near the inner parts of fine electronic device.

                                                    #100865 Reply

                                                      Thanks! It´s fine!!

                                                      From Martyanov´s blog, I thought it – superficially – fits your picture from your bench 😉:

                                                      Machine-builders’ Day:

                                                      “(…)Machine Builder’s Day is celebrated in Russia annually on the last Sunday of September based on the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days”. The professional holiday was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 15, 1966 No. 139-VII “On the establishment of the annual holiday “Machine Builder’s Day”. In 2024, it is celebrated on September 29. Machine Building is one of the key, system-forming and strategically important sectors of the national economy, closely interconnected with the leading sectors of the economy and ensuring their sustainable functioning and filling the consumer market, which is the basis for the development of the technological core of the industry. The most important specific indicators of the country’s gross domestic product (material intensity, energy intensity, etc.), labor productivity in other sectors of the economy, the level of environmental safety of industrial production and the defense capability of the state depend on the level of development of machine building.(…)”

                                                      original RU source:

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                                                    Reply To: Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)
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