Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Ukraine (Date: Nov. 2023)

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  • #100880 Reply

      New Nato leader, Mark Rutte, have no shame at all:

      Mark Rutte, the new NATO chief backs using Western weapons to strike deep into Russia:
      “We know international law, and according to international law, this right does not end at the border. So that means that supporting Ukraine’s right to self-defense means that it is also possible for them to strike legitimate targets on the aggressor territory,” Rutte said.

      Mark Rutte: ‘What can we say to make it look like Israel is not committing war crimes?’:

      #100888 Reply

        Jack; interesting:

        “We know international law, and according to international law, this right does not end at the border. So that means that supporting Ukraine’s right to self-defense means that it is also possible for them to strike legitimate targets on the aggressor territory,”

        Somehow doesn’t seem to apply to Palestinians or Palestinian refugees striking targets in Israel though, does it?

        #100891 Reply


          Exactly, and there is of course no single journalist in the west that could pose that obvious, simple question to him, there is no single op-editorial in the western msm, that have ever raised this double-standard of the law.

          #100893 Reply

            This Rutten quote is very important.
            It is the last line of defense of this pack of genocidal liars.

            Problem is that Art. 51 is limited as self-defense goes.

            the UN Charter only gives states a delimited right of self- defense under
            Charter Article 51),
            (Falk/Sponeck. “Liberating the United Nations”, Stanford Press, 2024)

            Now I would have to look into the legal scholarsrhip WHAT is regarded as proper military support.
            Because 100% “proxy war” is not among the intentions.

            So what are the caveats possibly?

            That third parties operate the long-range weapons?
            In fact provided them?
            In fact pressured the attacked nation into rejecting a peace?

            And if attacking the aggressor were part of Art. 51 as Rutten claims, is attacking WMD-sites part of that?
            Or public spaces?
            Civil structures?


            Attacks are certainly only legitimate on military targets that do not outweigh the costs caused (bombong biolabs or triggering WWIII.)

            But that very category is the one AFU/NATO NEVER attack.

            Eventually NATO by Paris Treaty is obliged to choose a peaceful path.
            Which NATO did not.

            So what remains of Rutten´s kindergarten argumentation?
            A bunch of adults playing hide and seek with suits on.

            #100921 Reply

              I must apologize for my broken promise to write an essay this Monday.
              I should have remembered that any social media posts are promotion, so my parade with a screwdriver last week brought a wave of orders. Sorry, I was busy.
              I thought that maybe we should create a separate thread on the forum for informal communication unrelated to political topics? Because it’s really not nice to abuse the hospitality of our kind host by discussing various things here and there. This site is too valuable to litter it with inappropriate, off-topic things. I can imagine the faces of the moderator team when they see some of this!

              Actually, I wanted to tell some very interesting gossip. It turned out that sometimes the fall of journalists from the windows cannot be attributed to the evil dictatorial Putin regime, but is quite a result of the struggle of opposition movements for grants from the West.
              Our media is discussing a Nevzlin, a Russian and Israeli oligarch, a close associate of Khodorkovsky (who is a well-known anti-Putin ex-oligarch living in London). Nevzlin ordered an attack on Volkov, an associate of Navalny (actually his right hand), in Vilnius Latvia. Volkov was beaten with hammers. Or they could have thrown him out of a window, right?
              Now we watch this battle of Navalnistas vs Khodor… errr… Khodorquistas?

              #100957 Reply

                “Because it’s really not nice to abuse the hospitality of our kind host by discussing various things here and there.”

                Whenever I engage into this sort of posting I swear to myself to keep it to a single sentence or not do it all. But I am failing in this so I end up with a bad conscience instead every time.

                So yes, perhaps you wanna set up a thread, just in case I come up with some new stupid home improvement questions.

                Originally I just wanted to point out Jeffrey Sachs´s very good and crisp summary on Ukraine in 30 min. with Glenn Greenwald.
                May be good to share with others.

                “D.C. Doesn’t Care About Ukraine War Mass Deaths”
                Oct. 6th 2024

                #100989 Reply

                  Communism Victim of the Day: Memorial in Ottawa

                  “A “Memorial to the Victims of Communism – Canada, a Land of Refuge” was scheduled to be unveiled in Ottawa on November 3, 2023, but it was closed to the public in October last year. On Monday, the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported that of the 553 names listed in the memorial, 330 were to be removed because of links to Nazi and fascist groups.”


                  #100993 Reply

                    Just like Boris Johnson and the west talked Ukraine out of peace efforts early into the war, it seems like Zelensky has been pushed again by the west to reject any peace efforts:

                    Zelensky cancels November ‘peace summit’
                    There are no plans to hold the conference at this time, Kiev has said


                    #101009 Reply

                      Kiev trained Mali militants – Le Monde

                      Ukrainian intelligence trained Tuareg rebels in drone warfare, the French newspaper has claimed
                      The Ukrainian military intelligence service has been sharing drone warfare techniques with rebels in Mali to help them kill Russian security contractors fighting for the African country’s military-led government, French newspaper Le Monde reported on Thursday.


                      Not surprising perhaps what is suprising in my view is the constant failure of Russia to nab, strike these agents. Again as the Ukraine war have proved, the russian (military) intelligence have alot to wish for.

                      #101032 Reply
                      michael norton

                        “Project Ukraine”
                        It would seem the looming U.S.A. presidential election has crystalised one fact, Z. is not a popular figure in the U.S.A. The electorate have had enough of their government focusing on Ukraine.
                        They have had enough of wasting their money on Ukraine.
                        The electorate want their government to focus on America.
                        America is walking away from Ukraine, essentially the “end game” is now in play.

                        #101008 Reply
                        michael norton

                          Quite extraordinary goings on in Downing Street.

                          Quote BBC
                          Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has held talks with Volodymyr Zelensky in Downing Street, as the Ukrainian president seeks to shore up European support for his country’s war effort.

                          Zelensky said he would share details of his “victory plan” during the meeting, while Sir Keir pledged his
                          “continued commitment and support” for Ukraine.


                          I wonder what the “Victory Plan” could be?

                          #101065 Reply

                            There is a considerable truth in this argument:

                            New Russian nuclear doctrine ‘cooled Western hotheads’ – Lukashenko
                            Ukraine would already be striking Russia with foreign long-range weapons if not for the change, Alexander Lukashenko believes


                            The reports in the media by Ukraine seeking to hit Russia with long distance missiles are pretty much vanished. US have also still not given the green light to use long-range missiles etc.
                            Not to say that Ukraine is one time or anther use long-range missiles (EU have given green light) but most likely they will tread very lightly regarding this issue.

                            #101073 Reply

                              As was reminded today in the small German leftist daily Junge Welt, German SoD Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, predecessor of Boris “Pistolero” Pistorius, in Oct. 2021 stated re: NATO and WMDs:

                              “We must make it very clear to Russia that in the end – and this is also the doctrine of deterrence – we are prepared to use such means.” Adding that WMDs were NATO´s core idea.

                              Add to that the fact, that the US Army in March of the same year made public plans to station medium range missiles in Germany 2026 (discussed publicly in Germany only this year albeit officially known for 3 years already! Unofficially probably much longer I guess) – and you get another piece of evidence that none of this has to do with “sovereignty” or “democracy” or any other bullshit of that kind of Ukraine.

                              Or as Ambassador Paula Dobriansky stated in a debate with John Mearsheimer at the COFR April 2024:

                              “(…)let me go to one of the core arguments that I think is important here that Heather and I believe strongly in. And that is that the aid that we provide is less than 4% of our defense budget. We don’t do the fighting, we just give the aid. The fact is that that’s not a high price for containing Russia. We get a double objective there. Of the $68 billion of military and other assistance that we have given to Ukraine, did you know that 90% supports the American workers? That’s phenomenal.(…)”

                              #101074 Reply

                                p.s. COFR meaning COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS
                                see debate here:


                                #101104 Reply

                                  Russia have only managed to get back 1/4 of Kursk:

                                  Kursk Map Shows Russia Regain Nearly Quarter of Lost Territory


                                  I am sorry but this war have really made me re-evaluate the power of the russian army/state/military intelligence, from the absurdity that Ukraine could freely even attack, invade and more or less occupy Kursk to the fact that Russia being unable to retake the whole of Kursk. If Russia having trouble fighting on Russia proper one could only imagine how bad the war is going inside of Ukraine.
                                  The weakeness by Russia sending a clear signal to the west too. Why should they bother, care what Russia say when they are this weak?

                                  #101112 Reply

                                    Actually Jack checking various reports on telegram the incursion into Kursk has been totally rebuffed…territory regained .Just in time to undermine Z victory plan.

                                    #101114 Reply

                                      Well…getting there

                                      This bit

                                      recall Ukraine attempted a new breakthrough in the Glushkovo section of Kursk much farther to the west several weeks back in order to ‘cut Russian forces off’. Little by little that small salient was also whittled back until today it was announced it has now officially been entirely defeated and pushed out of the border:

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