Ukraine (after 2023)

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  • #102811 Reply

      From Germany´s major reporter about Ukrainian fascism, Susann Witt-Stahl for JUNGE WELT daily:

      Ceasefire as a “disgrace”
      Conference of Ukrainian nationalists and fascists with the support of the Selenskij government

      Febr. 7th

      Last paragraph a good quote for all those who still follow the narrative that this is all Russian bullshit propaganda:

      “The fact that the “Bandera readings” also serve as a stage for the Ukrainian fascists to flex their muscles, promote themselves and promote themselves as legionaries in the fight to stabilize the unipolar world order was made clear by a speech by the leader of the neo-Nazi gang “C 14”, Yevgen Karas, at the ninth conference on February 5, 2022: Less than three weeks before the start of the Russian invasion, he praised the nationalists as the “standard bearers” of Ukraine, who had unleashed a war the likes of which had not been seen for decades, and boasted of huge arms deliveries from the USA and Great Britain. “We are fulfilling the tasks of the West because we are the only ones willing to do so, because we enjoy killing,” Karas continued. “This is about new political alliances on a global level.

      #102830 Reply

        1) See below an honest, humble look at the state of US society via US Armed Forces and their difficulty to recruit soldiers.
        Compare with Russia.

        However may be there are also strong similiarities.
        I would consider both huge countries and size changes people´s perception I think. A certain generosity might come with that. Which I assume I would find both with American and Russian citizens alike.

        Following piece from THE NEW YORKER, by Dexter Filkins, a former famed war correspondent in Afghanistan and Iraq. He too I suppose carries his wounds. It would be interesting to read Russian literature by Russian war correspondents who have seen much worse. In general we know nothing about Russian spheres in society corresponding to our own.

        A Reporter at Large
        The U.S. Military’s Recruiting Crisis
        The ranks of the American armed forces are depleted. Is the problem the military or the country?
        By Dexter Filkins
        February 3, 2025

        2) This honest assessment of NATO´s weakness. Consider this is Responsible Statecraft and a former NATO-officer and Royal Navy Commodore writing.

        He eventually says this remarkable thing:

        “The truth is that NATO now exists to confront the threats created by its continuing existence. Yet as our scenario shows, NATO does not have the capacity to defeat the primary threat that its continuing existence has created.

        So perhaps this is the time to have an honest conversation about the future of NATO, and to ask two questions. How do we return to the sustainable peace in Europe that all sides to the conflict seek? Is NATO the primary obstacle to this sustainable peace?”

        Right now NATO could not win a war with Russia
        Are the allied forces helping or hurting the prospects of a sustainable peace? This retired Royal Navy commodore has some thoughts.
        by Steve Jermy
        Jan 29, 2025

        #102855 Reply

          The rabid baltics and finns are out with another provocation

          “EU nations aim to seize alleged ‘Russian shadow fleet’ vessels – Politico”

          Cargo ships could reportedly be impounded on grounds of supposed piracy and the threat of environmental incidents
          Politico reported on Monday, citing insiders. Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia are allegedly seeking to target vessels on environmental and piracy grounds.

          Hijacking ships IS piracy and would be an act of war. What world are these balts, finns live in? Time and time again they prove they are too reckless to have their own nations because as I said before, if there were to be a war, these nations, especially the baltics would go up in smoke just like that being the first frontier.
          Being members in Nato have really emboldened these crazy nations.

          The best thing to happen if Trump and Putin could come up with a solution in Ukraine because then these rabid small dogs^^^^ barking would shut up just like that.

          #102860 Reply

            Something tells me Trump´s people are fond of their dogs. They create chaos within EU which is the best thing that can occur from US perspective. Remember the new/old Europe talk by Rummie Rumsfeld. I though it idiotic at that time. But of course I wasn´t aware of how incompetent and corrupt the other European governments would be. And probably I also underestimated the level of US insanity. Considering the an indie EU is the worst for Washington Baltics are a handy token of leverage.
            p.s. I was thinking of the point you make just recently when I realized Shanghai alone has multiple times the population of the entire Baltics.

            #102862 Reply

              Google says population of Estonia is 1.36 million people, it’s like Russian city Kasan. Latvia is 1.88 million, a little bit bigger than Russian city Novosibirsk. Lithuania is 2.88, that is roughly half of Saint Pitersberg, which is 5.6 million. Together the Baltics are about 6.1 million people. Larger than Saint Pitersburg, but not even the half of Moscow. And Moscow is about 13 million, which is nearly twice smaller than Shanghai.

              The entire Baltics are like population of Calcutta, India; or Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

              #102863 Reply

                Sorry for the off-topic, is it true that the EU has passed a law allowing the addition of insect powder to food products like bread and pasta? Since yesterday, our social networks have been making fun of this, posting pictures of worms and the like.

                #102864 Reply


                  Yes, they have BUT any foods containing such powder will have to be clearly labelled. Protein is protein 😀

                  #102861 Reply
                  michael norton

                    Mr. Trump is putting the fear of God into Volodymyr Zelenskyy
                    he has stopped giving them money to pay civil servants wages. Soon there will be a hatred of Zelensky, as anyone working for the state will have little money left. Trump wants them to show him where the money has gone.
                    There is a notion that corruption is rife in Ukraine, especially with donated money.
                    The gravy train is at the buffers.

                    #102867 Reply

                      Protein, ok, I don’t argue, ET, but why the hell insects? What happened to the more traditional forms of protein? Why???

                      #102868 Reply

                        According to Wikipedia over 2 billion people eat insects daily. That piece has more information than I needed about insects as food. Always a good day when one learns something new.

                        I’ve eaten snake and alligator before. They weren’t that great. Is there much difference between eating a prawn or a locust.😁
                        I’ll buzz off now. 🐝

                        #102871 Reply

                          – Excuse me, there’s a fly in my soup!
                          – Just one? I’m so sorry, we’ll add more right now.

                          I wonder how quickly the market will offer, you know, like boxes with basil and other greenery seeds – kits for growing insects on your windowsill. Fresh and buzzing from the dung heap straight into your frying pan. Oh, delicious.

                          #102875 Reply

                            Just to be an annoyance, there are a number of Russian enterprises involved in insect protein production. At least according to Google anyway.
                            Maybe best not to be taking the piss out of EU on this particular matter. 🤪

                            #102907 Reply

                              EU demand they are given a seat at the meeting between Russia/US. That is the same peace talks EU have rejected for 3 years straight!

                              European states want in on Ukraine peace talks
                              The US and Russian leaders have agreed to begin negotiations to resolve the Ukraine conflict


                              One should also remember how this whole Ukraine conflict started, that is by the EU and how they deliberately blocked off Russia and tried to drag Ukraine into association agreement with the EU:

                              Meanwhile, top EU officials Jose Manuel Barroso i and Herman Van Rompuy i rejected Yanukovych’s proposal to set up a trilateral trade committee with the EU and Russia.


                              And sure in the best of worlds the EU should be part of any deal to make the peace more grounded but are the EU credible? No, they only want to keep the war, killing ongoing. They still live in their bubble.

                              #102916 Reply

                                Mark Sleboda confirms your point.

                                TMI Show Ep 78: Putin and Trump’s Perfect Phone Call
                                78 min.

                                Good show I thought with many viable arguments.

                                In essence, nothing of what is publicly floated in the West as basis of an agreement means anything that is of substance.
                                RU lost 100k. They are winning. Why should they cede anything?
                                Sleboda suggests that only on NATO bases in Poland/Romania RUs would compromise (considering missile supermacy etc. by RU that makes sense.)

                                p.s. the only agreement that would have really mattered is a non-missile/non-nuclear EU as suggested since the 1950s. But we are light years away from that now.

                                #102930 Reply

                                  European elite are in hysterical mode after Vice president J..D Vance speech at Munich. Instead of warmongering against Russia, China as the europeans wanted to hear, Vance criticized european nations, claiming that the threat to europe do not come from the outside but from the inside, he even brought up the EU “coup” in Romania!

                                  Sorry for the block of text, [ Mod: That was an unsightly mess, Jack – 2664 words, all in capitals, in large blockquote formatting. Next time, just post a link and leave the transcript where you found it. ]

                                  video can be seen here:

                                  #102938 Reply

                                    Odd speech by Vance. I still don´t get the praise of him.
                                    On the one hand it was honest to an extent I don´t know any speech by a NATO-representative ever was in Munich.
                                    On the other a few examples for suppression of free speech in the EU were unsatisfying. He pointed at side-shows (abortion? wtf) and completely neglecting the issues that are the real threat. Naturally because the main thrust of suppression in Europe is directed against criticism of the genocide. But that Mr. Vance of course has to omit. Entirely. And an orator he is not. Even if that´s secondary you would hope content and form might meet certain standards on that governmental level.

                                    Brian Berletic with a quick look at US empire now. The starting graphics are strange though. But that´s the era of computer gamers having “grown up” I guess:

                                    “DOGE is Sharpening the Tools of US Empire – Not Dismantling Them”
                                    15 min.

                                    p.s. My main worry, now that US appears to shove EU off their lap that is a great argument for new arms spending in Europe. Which will lead society ever more to its brink. We will end up like those 3rd world countries where people had no wealth but their regimes were keeping huges armies to then collapse. Places we Europeans used to mock in public. AfD already is pushing for German tanks together with CDU. And the MSM are all in like corrupt lunatics. 50% of the people either don´t care or really believe the PR. You get hundreds of thousands to protest against AfD and CDU based on idiotic comparison to the 3rd Reich but nobody against WWIII and Ukrainian Nazis leading an army which by now has lost 1M+ soldiers. Not to speak of genocide. In fact attacking latter is regarded as even a bigger crime than defending Russia´s conduct. God help this nation.

                                    #102946 Reply

                                      2022: Zelensky: There will never be peace talks with Putin


                                      2025: Zelensky: I will only talk to Putin


                                      Zelensky seems to get more erratic by every day that pass by:

                                      Zelensky tells Ukrainian critics to change citizenship
                                      The country’s leader, whose term expired in May 2024, directed the remark at those who want elections


                                      Zelensky targets political opposition
                                      The Ukrainian leader has implemented asset freezes and media gags against his potential rivals


                                      #102949 Reply


                                        Yes it was a hole lot of jibberish but the core of it, that is the de-escalating argument that Russia nor China is the biggest threat to the west was really good.

                                        As the Trump admin today said: EU should come up with an alternative plan, solution if they are not backing Trump’s effort to end the war or EU should simply shut up:

                                        Europe will not be part of Ukraine-Russia peace talks, US envoy says
                                        Keith Kellogg tells countries to offer concrete solutions and boost spending instead of complaining about talks role


                                        It is really absurd how much prestige EU have put into this question, now they look real stupid. Ever since Russia invaded there have been constant reports in the media how Ukraine was about to win. All of this blustering reported 24/7 by MSM and fooled so many europeans was of course nothing but hot air nonsense, so much money spent, taxmoney that should have stayed within EU, instead the european politicians wasted it on a corrupt regime and a war that they could not win. How could people become so brainwashed?

                                        #102982 Reply

                                          Sigh oh come on

                                          Munich conference end with the leader of the conference break up in tears just because JD Vance did not warmonger against Russia.

                                          Watch: Emotional Munich security chair tears up at event


                                          These people are insane. Why are this man – like the rest of the chickhawks in the EU – not in Ukraine, fighting?!

                                          #102989 Reply

                                            Distubring that is already 10+ years since “Maidan” – time just fly away, I remember it like yesterday and majority of westerners have certainly forgot what happened, or rather, they still do not know what happened because MSM did not cover the anti-russian events.

                                            I remember the disgusting lynching of ethnic russians at Odessa Trade Union Building where people where burned alive and those who tried to flee where beaten senseless by the ukrainian fascist mob outside the. The police did nothing to stop it and the the fire-fighters were nowhere to be seen until it was too late.
                                            Some horrible photos from inside the building:

                                            Ukrainian activists – like Oleksiy Goncharenko – that took part in the lynching, became “politicians”, invited to speak at the EU parliament. Check the video in the link:

                                            #102993 Reply

                                              AG, if I could turn to you for some help? Perhaps you can get access to press archives? I hope it exists in some digital form.
                                              The case is – there’s discussion on Holodomor going in our social media.
                                              As is common with Russian, people make fun of, sorry, Lesia Gasidgak who was appoited the director of Holodomor Museum.

                                              Well, peope bring Russian translation of the article in Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, dated September 1, 1932 (or January 1, 1932 if they used reversed date format). The article is about famine in Western Ukraine.
                                              If only we could have a look at the original.

                                              Also, I hope there may be users here who could find an article from Dimineaţa newspaper, dated 07.11.1932, Vienne. The article says: Bucharest reports food riots in Chisinau.

                                              #102994 Reply

                                                Trump better be more careful with numbers regarding the conflict, the warmongers jump on everything he say.
                                                The other day Trump claimed that Zelensky only get support by some 4% by ukrainians but from what I know there is no such poll showing such low numbers, the most recent/lowest, seems to be that 16% would vote for him:

                                                Only one in six Ukrainians would vote for Zelensky – poll
                                                Only 16% of Ukrainian voters would back Vladimir Zelensky if a long-overdue presidential election were held now, a survey has revealed.
                                                According to the Zerkalo Nedeli news website, the poll conducted by the Sociological Association of Ukraine, published on Tuesday, was the first to gauge Ukrainians’ electoral preferences since the escalation of hostilities between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022


                                                Another mistake was when Trump said 60 million people died in the Soviet union during WW2, but rather the numbers is some 26 millions (give or take)

                                                Trump stated on Wednesday that Russia helped the United States “win the Second World War, losing almost 60,000,000 lives in the process.

                                                Source TASS (looks like my comment were considered spam when adding the link?)

                                                There are also statement which claim multiple millions have died in Ukraine by Trump etc so, He better be more careful.

                                                #103005 Reply

                                                  What is especially disturbing is the western narrative/framing that this is somehow “Putin’s war”. But this war is of course rather a ethnic war against anything russian. It is a civil war. And even if Putin lets say drop dead tommorow, the policy will be intact, meanwhile the west somehow believe the war will stop as soon as Putin is out of the way! I believe the next russian leader will even take a harsher stance than Putin ever did! West have no idea what is going on, that is for sure.

                                                  Putin has been president and the PM for some 20 years – so why did he not invader Ukraine already back then?! No, there is no proof that Putin ever had any grand imperial ambition, what changed was the blatant coup and the assault, threats against ethnic russians and against the russian language. If the Maidan coup had not occur, there would be no war today.

                                                  Some obvious facts from Samuel Huntington’s book Clas of Civilization written in the mid 90s, very apt:

                                                  Ukraine, however, is a cleft country with two distinct cultures. T h e civilizational fault line between the
                                                  West and Orthodoxy runs through its heart and has done so for centuries

                                                  Historically, western Ukrainians have spoken Ukrai-nian and have been strongly nationalist in their outlook. The people of eastern Ukraine, on the other hand, have been overwhelmingly Orthodox and have in
                                                  large part spoken Russian. In the early 1990s Russians made up 22 percent and
                                                  native Russian speakers 31 percent of the total Ukrainian population.

                                                  “The differences between eastern and western Ukraine are manifest in the
                                                  attitudes of their peoples. In late 1992, for instance, one-third of the Russians
                                                  in western Ukraine as compared with only 10 percent in Kiev said they suffered
                                                  from anti-Russian animosity.7 The east-west split was dramatically evident in
                                                  the July 1994 presidential elections. The incumbent, Leonid Kravchuk, who
                                                  despite working closely with Russia’s leaders identified himself as a nationalist,
                                                  carried the thirteen provinces of the western Ukraine with majorities ranging
                                                  up to over 90 percent. His opponent, Leonid Kuchma, who took Ukrainian
                                                  speech lessons during the campaign, carried the thirteen eastern provinces by
                                                  comparable majorities. Kuchma won with 52 percent of the vote. In effect, a
                                                  slim majority of the Ukrainian public in 1994 confirmed Khmelnytsky’s choice
                                                  in 1654. The election, as one American expert observed, “reflected, even crys-
                                                  tallized, the split between Europeanized Slavs in western Ukraine and the
                                                  Russo-Slav vision of what Ukraine should be. It’s not ethnic polarization so
                                                  much as different cultures.””

                                                  A second and somewhat more likely possibility is that Ukraine could split
                                                  along its fault line into two separate entities, the eastern o f which would merge
                                                  with Russia. T h e issue o f secession first came up with respect to Crimea. The
                                                  Crimean public, which is 70 percent Russian, substantially supported Ukrai
                                                  nian independence from the Soviet Union in a referendum in December 1991.
                                                  In May 1992 the C r i m e a n parliament also voted to declare i n d e p e n d e n c e from
                                                  Ukraine and then, under Ukrainian pressure, rescinded that vote. The Russian
                                                  parliament, however, voted to cancel the 1954 cession of Crimea to Ukraine.
                                                  In January 1994 crimeans elected a president who had campaigned on a
                                                  platform of “unity with Russia.”

                                                  #103006 Reply

                                                    Sorry the last block of text should have be in “b-quote” formatting too.

                                                    #103011 Reply

                                                      Jack, re. Trump and numbers.
                                                      Today this is shared

                                                      Also, their Ukrainian parlamentarian Dubinsky made a joking poll in his Telegram, asking who would be more popular if there’s an elections day today. 3% voted for Ze and 97% voted for the mop (real mop, for cleaning).

                                                      So, perhaps Trump is cottterct on Ze’s real raiting

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