Ukraine (after 2023)

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  • #93799 Reply

      Vitali Klitschko: Kiev’s mayor takes over million-dollar property in Hamburg
      While Kiev is again affected by Russian attacks, Mayor Klitschko can call himself the owner of a Hamburg villa. The report causes outrage.”

      #93816 Reply

        I was just about to post that too, so ex and current ukrainian leaders have millions worth of money to spend buying estate outside of Ukraine…. but Ukraine are so in need of money!?

        Germany tells rest of EU to do more for Ukraine

        Why buy estate outside of Ukraine to begin with? Does Klitschko & co. planning for the defeat/downfall of Ukraine?

        #93817 Reply


          I don´t know but Klitschko as you know was a pro boxer. And as such his career took him to Germany in the 90s (since RU/UKR and Germany used to have close relationships on this level because of East Germany) and Hamburg is Germany´s boxing centre with its biggest boxing promoter “Universum” who became Klitschko´s promoter. I mean the Klitschkos are basically half German judging by their social environment.

          p.s. Klitschko family was Soviet Russian and had its own history of family killed by the Nazis.
          I am not sure, but there is a reason why the younger one (who became World Champion, but I never found any of them really that good) is not really seen in public.

          #93820 Reply

            I found this a good article offering a historic parallel to how fiction and writers of fiction bolster the elite ideology of their nations by personification and necessary reduction.

            By turning to what we call psychological realism in the narrative arts to creating a compelling narrative the political truth and complexities are totally disregarded in fact turned onto their head for the sake of artistic creation.

            In this particular case it´s exemplified by analysing British fiction literature responding to the Paris Commune uprising of 1871. Britsh authors became proponents of British bourgeois thinking and using the manipulative means of writing to offer a totally top to bottom interpretation of events in Paris that would affirm British elite thinking delivering a completely falsified picture of what was going on in Paris:

            “The Paris Commune Struck Fear Into the Hearts of the British Elite

            By Simon Rennie

            In 1871, elite British writers were horrified by the threat to the bourgeois social order that the Paris Commune represented. But their working-class counterparts expressed profound sympathy for the Communards and their revolutionary aspirations.


            “Owen Holland’s admirable volume Literature and Revolution unpacks one example of this resonance: the British literary response to the Paris Commune of 1871. Britain’s shock at the events in a neighboring nation
            It is an important contention of this book that the choices made by such figures reveal something significant not only about the particularities of the cultural response to the Commune in Britain but also about the way in which these figures conceived of literature’s relationship to the prospect of social revolution (both past and future) and the way in which self-consciously literary endeavours might unconsciously work to mobilize or contain such possibilities.
            Holland is impressively consistent in his own particular methodology, enabling fresh local readings of individual texts and a convincing overview that offers an integrated, politically revealing interpretation of a relatively discrete literary phenomenon. The sympathies and anxieties of individual writers are uncovered and unpacked, but this is also an opportunity for a broader examination the literary imaginary of late nineteenth-century Britain. The Paris Commune, or its fictionalized remembrance, brings into focus a range of tropes that reveal confused xenophobia, class prejudice, and a deep-seated fear of political instability spreading virally across the English Channel.”

            * * *

            my conclusion at last:

            This we find again in current essayism in Europe/US on Russia and alleged Russian pathological behaviour and culture.
            Instead of giving facts and deliver fair and honest analyses and assessments writers dwelve into their own fiction but claim it to be a truthful account of reality. Replacing critical observation with fictious accounts often based on the story of a few or one individual. One person´s fate representative for the stories of millions. One person´s fate shaping the opinion about an entire war.

            However when fiction as such turns into policy controlling the lives of one nation or even several nations that´s fascism.

            #93821 Reply


              Thanks AG, I did not know about the german-connection, still why are not Klitschko and the other rich ukrainians give all their money to the war effort instead of begging the whole world for money? There are also quite a lot of proven and rumours that Zelensky/family having wealthy houses outside of Ukraine and for Zelensky then to beg the west for more and more money…absurd!

              In other news:

              Poland covered up for Nord Stream attackers – WSJ
              The newspaper claims that various European officials believe Warsaw fed “disinformation” to investigators and tried to blame the blasts on Russia

              Polish officials have withheld evidence and attempted to stall an international probe into the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, making investigators “suspicious of Warsaw’s role and motives,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.


              Of course the west know full well who did the sabotage: they themselves are the culprit.

              #93882 Reply

                The latest by Swiss former intelligence officer / historian, Jacques Baud:

                “The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat”


                “This is an excerpt from Colonel Jacques Baud’s latest book, The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat (L’art de la guerre russe: Comment l’occident conduire l’ukraine a la echec). This is a detailed study of the two-year old conflict in which the West has brutally used the Ukrainians to pursue an old pipedream: the conquest of Russia.”

                #94018 Reply


                  this might be a bit off-topic but I thought it might interest you.

                  “The German hunger genocide
                  Survivors of the German hunger blockade of Leningrad during World War II are demanding compensation. The federal government still rejects this 80 years after the blockade.”

                  (via google transl. as MOD taught us.)

                  One “absurdity” is the fact that Jews who were among the population received compensation. Non-Jews naturally did not.
                  The compensation amounted to the gigantic sum of 2556 Euros (wonder why they did not add some cents to that for the sheer fun of it). Of course these are crazy things on all levels. How do you come up with an adequate sum?
                  Anyhow. But it´s good to know that Russians, non-Jewish, are still the enemy. Sometimes I get mixed who my government wants me to hate. There are so many bad guys out there right now with the most crazy names…

                  #94031 Reply

                    German Parliament had issued a report about Ukraine and raw earths/metals as it is being alleged that UKR has the biggest such reserves in Europe.
                    The report is out now.

                    A short summary under the link.


                    The entire report is 57 densely printed pages with graphics. I have translated that German pdf via deepL into an English pdf, but I doubt that I can post a pdf here.

                    #94088 Reply

                      Zelensky rejected favorable peace deal with Russia – ex-aide
                      Ukraine now faces ten to 15 years of war, Aleksey Arestovich has said


                      Ukrainian army mostly ‘very old men’ – commander
                      The average age of the soldiers is over 40, a senior military official says


                      There have been reports/rumours that many of the ukrainian conscripts are deliberately taken from ethically russian ukrainian regions – to get “rid of them”, anyone how much truth there is in such claims?

                      #94096 Reply

                        Zelensky threatens Putin’s grandchildren
                        The Ukrainian leader got personal in his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum

                        Not sure if to laugh or cry hearing this bunker-living-millionaire-beggar muppet threatning doing this or that. Guy is a comedian, literally. Or matter of fact, not even that!


                        Ukrainian statehood could soon suffer serious blow – Putin


                        #94097 Reply

                          Sigh: Ukrainian men in EU are ‘cowards’ – Estonian MEP Jaak Madison
                          Bloc members must help Kiev send draft dodgers to the front lines, Jaak Madison has said


                          A better idea is to let the ukrainian refugees in europe stay and instead send the cocky, tough-guy EU/NATO/arm chair brigade. Start with the whole this estonian dofus and his whole family, go now Mr Madison, show how brave you are!

                          Nah, thought so.

                          #94103 Reply

                            Kit Klarenberg interviewed by Scheerpost in 2 parts (this is called part 2 but it appears to be part 1 – we´ll see.)


                            “The Biden admin’s slow but steady abandonment of Ukraine, the potential for a U.S. launched nuclear war against Russia and the incoming wave of terrorism from Ukraine.”


                            #94107 Reply

                              very good on Gonzalo Lira
                              starting TC 22:20
                              (an excellent blog in general)

                              #94131 Reply

                                “The Maple (Canada): NATO Directorate Warned Azov Remained ‘Fanatics.’ Recruits Acquired Canadian-Made Rifles.”

                                NATO Directorate Warned Azov Remained ‘Fanatics.’ Recruits Acquired Canadian-Made Rifles, by Alex Cosh (The Maple, 4 Jan 2024)

                                – In the first weeks of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Canada’s directorate of NATO policy said that Ukraine’s notorious Azov Regiment continued to be far-right “fanatics” despite their integration into the country’s national guard, emails obtained by The Maple through an access to information request show.

                                – The NATO policy directorate’s assessment contradicts claims frequently made by Azov’s defenders, who insist that the controversial military unit was de-radicalized after it was formally integrated into the Ukrainian forces — a claim often repeated by Western media sources.

                                – “quoted “information from the Directorate of NATO Policy.”

                                Copied text in the email read:

                                “It’s true that Azov was brought into the NGU [National Guard of Ukraine], but we don’t train them because they are fanatics, and we don’t share their values … It’s true that the Azov has dogged us as an issue for years, but we should definitely not hide from the fact that we train the NGU because of a small minority in their ranks.”

                                DND confirmed in an email to The Maple that the ministry still regards Azov Regiment as a far-right extremist group.

                                “Our position remains that we are not – nor will we – be providing support to Azov and affiliated entities,” the ministry said in an unsigned email. “We continue to vehemently oppose any and all racist, discriminatory and hateful views and any groups that promote them.”

                                #94242 Reply

                                  Today’s sad news surrounding the Ukrainian conflict. A plane was shot down over Belgorod. Everyone died.
                                  Initially, the Ukrainian publication boasted of this strike, and the British Guardian noted this publication.


                                  It turned out that there were 65 Ukrainian captured soldiers on the plane who were heading for a prisoner exchange.
                                  Before the crash, the crew managed to report the danger.
                                  The Russian Ministry of Defense reports that Ukraine knew about the exchange and transportation from the Moscow region to Belgorod. It is also reported that the launch was made from Liptsa, Kharkov region, presumably from the American Patriot or the German Iris-T.

                                  #94249 Reply

                                    Recommended summary of the geopolitics by Nicolai Petro with the major points hyper-linked.
                                    Keep this in your archive to prove the major arguments in future discussions after the public has conveniently forgotten.

                                    “To End the War in Ukraine, Expose Its Core Lie
                                    by Ted Snider and Nicolai N. Petro | Jan 18, 2024”


                                    #94255 Reply

                                      Ukraine killed POWs with American missile – French state media
                                      The US has not commented on the attack, which left 74 people dead


                                      First off, why kill your own people?
                                      Interesting also how media covered this: either by ignoring the event altogether or blaming Russia.

                                      Next time it might be a civilian airliner being shot down by Ukraine, with western arms…

                                      #94263 Reply

                                        Russia threatening NATO – this is the kind of bullshit reporting one has to put up with these days – and this is way more civilized than most of the other outlets:

                                        “Russian attack on NATO states: Real danger or Pistorius’ “PR number”?

                                        Politicians and military strategists flank the NATO exercise “Steadfast Defender” with scenarios of a Russian attack on NATO. What’s behind it?”


                                        ZERO evidence of course. But if the story is thrilling who the hell needs evidence, right!
                                        Evidence is for losers.

                                        #94264 Reply

                                          p.s. and of course the most obvious, namely who is threatening whom, is completely lost to these people. Seriously at some point I can only resort to insults in the vein of Andrei Martyanov. This kindergarten is – to quote John Malkovich in “Burn After Reading” – a league of morons.
                                          Alas, the most dangerous morons the world has ever seen.

                                          #94268 Reply

                                            It’s amazing how a military alliance of several states and one of the largest on this planet speaks with a straight face about the threat from one single state.
                                            How do they sell it? Do they paint themselves as innocent little lambs or what? Or do they paint the enemy as a non-human being?

                                            There are some sources of information that I unsubscribed from and promised myself not to look there again, for the sake of preserving the health of my psyche. However, after the crash of the plane with Ukrainian prisoners of war, I looked there again. This was unintentional.
                                            It’s just that during the discussion, someone mentioned the execution of Azov prisoners of war by Ukrainians in Yelenovka, and there was a link with the comment “here’s another case.”
                                            What I saw shocked me so much that it still gives me nervous trembling.
                                            A Ukrainian video blogger visited the battle site and found human remains in a burned tank. Then he filmed himself cooking this bone with meat and eating it. He commented that this is not cannibalism since he is not eating a person.

                                            #94273 Reply
                                            Pears Morgaine

                                              The Ukrainian cannibalism thing dates from March 2022. It’s been noted that the end of the bone had been neatly sawn off so like much else coming out of the conflict it’s probably a fake.

                                              It’s been reported that Ukrainian drones were active over Belgorod and that the aircraft was brought down by an S400 in a ‘friendly fire’ incident. Russia has already lost a number of aircraft like this and we’re constantly being told that Ukrainian air defences have been worn down to almost nothing.

                                              #94274 Reply

                                                There was no neatly sawn end there.
                                                And frankly, it doesn’t make much difference to me whether he ate human flesh for real, or just pretended to do it.
                                                The point was that the tank from which he got the bone turned out to be a Ukrainian T-64, so the blogger boasted that he was eating “Russian meat,” but in fact he ate his compatriot.
                                                “Ironic” would be the appropriate word here, if it weren’t extremely monstrously insane.

                                                #94335 Reply

                                                  this suggestion to sober up, Mark Sleboda, whose predictions and analyses regarding RU/UKR I found pretty good and accurate many times.

                                                  His major fear is that if RU does move onto Kiev in 1 year´s time or more, NATO steps in either as NATO or as a coalition like in Iraq and goes into the West of UKR but more importantly goes for Odessa. Which then would put us all at the brink.
                                                  And no Trump win or anything else will change the basic policy path, which I agree with.

                                                  He stresses that AFU is far from breaking. That won´t happen. That too is sound I think.

                                                  So yes, this is a forever war unless something fundamental in Europe will change (that´s me now).
                                                  The US won´t change or budge. And that change has to come from below. The diplomatic corps, the editors of media, the major academics, forget those. They might follow if it suits their interests.


                                                  see TC 27:00 + 34:00 (WWIII scenario) + 40:00-44:00 on Steadfast Defender (the largest military exercise since 1988) as a means to prepare infrastructure for US troops to move freely in the EU for war deployment.

                                                  #94338 Reply

                                                    One example for the above by Mark Sleboda mentioned “Military Schengen” to ease troop deployment is this infrastructure project between FRG, POL, NL

                                                    “Germany, Netherlands and Poland agree on “military corridor”

                                                    “The EU Commission recently announced that Germany and another 17 countries would receive around 807 million euros for projects this year. Of this, 92 million euros are planned for Germany. As the responsible EU Commission announced, the money is earmarked for the renewal of a railway bridge in Hanover-Ahlem, the expansion of the Ulm-Dornstadt goods handling terminal and for a siding at Sechtem train station in North Rhine-Westphalia.”

                                                    #94340 Reply

                                                      Zelensky is really….something… is rotten the right word?

                                                      ‘Stop giving money to our refugees’ – Zelensky
                                                      Kiev has asked Berlin to pour funds into its budget instead of spending them on Ukrainians who fled to Germany


                                                      In other reports, nothing new on the eastern front:

                                                      New long-range US bombs headed for Ukraine – media
                                                      Testing for the weapon was only recently concluded, and it has yet to reach Washington’s own inventories


                                                      And the warmongering EU still will not accept that the war cannot be won by Ukraine

                                                      EU opposes Ukraine truce – Borrell
                                                      The bloc’s chief diplomat has called for more weapons for Kiev and further sanctions on Moscow


                                                      …more weapons and money that go straight out of Ukraine

                                                      Ukrainian politicians stealing Western aid – ex-Polish deputy defense minister
                                                      The comments come days after Kiev uncovered another major arms corruption case


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