Ukraine (after 2023)

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  • #94471 Reply

      The story isn’t being suppressed here in the UK. I saw a feature about it on the ITV breakfast news this morning. The front page of the British Brainwasher Broadcaster, BBC News, featured the headline “Tucker Carlson to Interview Russia’s Putin”:
      The story has a link to the full video (4m28s) on Carlson’s X(-itter) account, as below:

       Tucker Carlson’s visit to Moscow has been reported on voraciously in Russian state media, with near-constant coverage of his every move.
       ”There are risks to doing an interview like this, obviously, so we’ve thought about it over many months,” Carlson said on his announcement video.
       Carlson added that he paid for the trip to Russia himself, and wanted to do the interview because “most Americans are not informed” on the conflict which is “reshaping the world” – blaming the mainstream media.
       Since the war in Ukraine began, he said, Western journalists have interviewed Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky – whom he has previously called a “dictator” – many times.
       But they are “fawning pep sessions” aimed at amplifying Mr Zelensky’s demand to get the US more and more involved in the war, Carlson insisted.
       ”That is not journalism – it is government propaganda.”
       Meanwhile, “not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview” Vladimir Putin, Carlson said.
       Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Russia Editor, posted that the BBC has “lodged several requests with the Kremlin in the last 18 months. Always a ‘no’ for us”

      #94479 Reply

        The Daily Mail has also published the full video – with English subtitles (& extra DM links at the end): – 4m38s

        #94485 Reply

          Thanks for the link to Tucker’s Twitter, I’m just reading the comments.
          Tucker’s position is “we want you to be informed,” and accounts with Ukrainian flags are already protesting against this interview and smearing Tucker. So far the reaction has been predictable.
          Well, I’ll probably bet $10 that soon I’ll see the demand to “завалити *бало”, as has already happened with Elon Musk 🙂

          #94488 Reply

            It’s difficult to comprehend Tucker Carlson. I find myself occasionally agreeing with him, but I am wary of his motivation. Whenever I do find myself watching him and entertaining his viewpoint, I am reminded of a piece written by Caitlin Johnstone about him.

            #94492 Reply

              blast from the past:
              ConsortiumNews with a piece by Robert Parry on MH-17, from 2016:

              “ROBERT PARRY: Vindicated on MH-17 Reporting”
              CN Founder Robert Parry’s reporting on the MH-17 air disaster was vindicated when the World Court last week refused to blame Russia for shooting down the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine in 2014.


              #94498 Reply

                RIA Novosti reporting of “secret” British plans to occupy Western Ukraine:
                “Source: London proposed sending a NATO expeditionary force to Ukraine”
                RU version

                #94499 Reply

                  From rare clips with Tucker Carlson that I have seen – he is just what any US TV anchor is:

                  A mediocre or less journalist, mediocre actor (literally actor, because that´s the main thing these people do, acting in technical terms). And an excellent businessman.

                  If you want a white-washing of this caste done by its very own members you will see a decent attempt in the APPLE TV Show “Morning Show”.

                  Besides that the show is extremely revealing of its own producers and the milieu they picture.
                  Because none of what these people, TV anchors and their staff, do, matters to our planet.
                  Or changes anything in a meaningful way. The show is also indulging in massive hubris of these people.

                  Tucker Carlson is the bleached-grinning side of US capitalism. Nothing new there.

                  They are producing a PR product for advertisers. If this were genuine journalism it couldn´t exist because unfit for the purpose to be squeezed in between ads and spreading world views adequate for 10-year-olds.

                  Having said this, everyone knows what the real issue is here of course:

                  The only reason why everybody talks about it and why apparently US State Department is everything but happy about the interview is of course US elections and how they might get influenced by voters seeing a RU president who appears more sane than Joe Biden (and – haha – incidentally the opponent, and pal of Tucker´s). And a guy who doesn´t really fit the demonization and will make too much sense to viewers in the West.

                  Most likely this project of Tucker´s takes place in some conjunction with Trump´s lot.

                  And most importantly:

                  If this works out regarding viewer ratings there will be another interview timed before the election.
                  Whether Tucker Carlson will be allowed to do that I dare to question.


                  I CALL THAT COWARDICE!!! real journalists have balls and guts. He has neither.
                  So. Far.

                  #94521 Reply

                    Scott Ritter has written a piece on the upcoming interview with President Putin by Tucker Carlson over at Consortium News.


                    Ritter feels that it may do much good to counter the “disease of Russophobia” as he puts it. Please also tead the comments below the article. They give voice to other views on Tucker Carlson. I’ll be watching it for sure despite any misgivings I may have about Tucker.

                    #94522 Reply

                      James Carden with a damning comment on Washington think tanks and their staffs getting countries destroyed, like UKR, which in its frank tone is interesting.

                      (James W. Carden is a member of the board and senior adviser to ACURA. Carden previously served as an advisor to the US-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission and to the Special Representative for Intergovernmental Affairs at the US State Department.)


                      last paragraph on irresponsibly high UKR casualties:

                      The military analyst and historian Michael Vlahos showed as far back as last August that, “in casualties-to-population terms, Ukrainian military losses, after more than 500 days of war, are approaching those sustained by Germany in World War I over more than 1,500 days. This is,” he wrote, “a catastrophic attrition rate” that “can break an army and a nation.”
                      At Brookings, I heard not a word uttered about casualties (now estimated to be verging on 500,000 or closing in on about ten times the losses sustained by the US in Vietnam). I heard not a word about the estimated 700,000 who have fled military service in Ukraine. Nor was a word uttered about the cost of reconstruction, now widely estimated to be at around $1 trillion. And why would I expect to? After all, doing so would, among other things, puncture the dream-like state in which these places operate.

                      #94523 Reply

                        Well, in everyday life I can’t imagine why I would suddenly want to watch Putin’s interview. But since this is an interview for a foreign audience, perhaps I’m interested in how he presents his position; after all, Putin represents my country. Yes, I’ll definitely watch it.
                        Another reason, Tucker Carlson announced this project like this: “for several years now, the Americans listened only to the Ukrainian side, we will give the opportunity to listen to the other side of the conflict.” Well, probably because the reaction of Ukrainians and American Democrats was in the style of “don’t listen to this.” So now I’m curious.

                        Not the least reason is that I want to be aware of new jokes and memes. The name Carlson is popular in Russia thanks to Carlsson on the Roof from Astrid Lindgren’s books, as well known as Winnie the Pooh, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice from Wonderland and Puss in Boots.

                        #94524 Reply

                          In Germany there is no association with Carlsson on the Roof despite its popularity here because its spelled Karlsson.
                          What a pity!

                          #94525 Reply

                            Well, for us this is a foreign name. We don’t meet it every day on the streets or TV. So, for an average Russian, Carlson is the funny short fat man with a propeller from Soviet-era cartoons. Whatever it is spelled.
                            For you probably the name Kurt may be quite everyday, but in Russia it is definitely Kurt Cobain.
                            By the way, have you ever imagined Smells Like Teen Spirit in Latin? I met some friends who are passionate about historical reconstruction, and they shared this

                            #94532 Reply

                              Quickly Looked into Carlsson / Putin interview and it made a decent impression worthy the time. So I was hasty in my suada. Sry for that.

                              Apparently Western media try to spin the thing in the usual distorting manner.

                              But as almost all reporters said, betterthe interview has been made than not.
                              And if Carlsson is the one to do it its a win-win for him and for us. May be at least a tiny little bit.

                              #94533 Reply

                                comment from naked capitalism site:

                                “I did not think that Tucker was a skilled interviewer. He did not seem to have been well researched about the history and context. Tucker seems to have very limited knowledge about Russia today and its history. The interruptions of Putin also detracted from Tucker’s interview.

                                In regards to Yves thoughts, I recommend that everyone watch the Oliver Stone interview back to back with this interview. Stone was a far better prepared interviewer and one that let Putin finish, with Stone demonstrating a lot more stamina than Tucker did.”

                                #94535 Reply

                                  …thinking how such an interview would have looked like had it been a Russian reporter with POTUS.

                                  Biden probably would have talked much about how he couldn´t find the key to the front door of his home. And eventually the Russian reporter would help him, kneeling on the carpet in the Oval Office searching next to Biden.

                                  In an interview with Trump Trump´s history of the USA would boil down to a 3 hour summary of the history of Hustler Magazine and how important the 1st Amendment is…

                                  #94540 Reply

                                    a long take on the new Commanding General of th AFU, Syrsky, who btw happens to be RU by origin, whose parents live in RU, who graduated in Moscow, and who used to be on friendly terms with the RU military until the Maidan madness.
                                    This is all rather crazy…


                                    #94541 Reply

                                      Half the country have relatives in Russia or business in Russia, including Ze. Nothing crazy, it’s a norm. We were one country not so long ago

                                      #94542 Reply

                                        …by crazy I mean what certain people and the media in the West are doing with that fact. Ignoring it. Or worse: Trying to rewrite history. The change of mindset is brainwashing of the worst kind. I could spend hours every day posting new crazy things happening here on that front…and almost exclusively its the so-called “educated classes”. (And they are repeating their sick jingoist shit-talk towards Palestinians. Completely oblivious of what is really going on.) This is a psychosis.
                                        And the more the people in question are academics related to Russian history etc. the more likely they fall prey to this. Like a sickness of the brain….The others, “normal” people, are totally sane. That´s why there is a huge invisible divide in this country held only in check by the MSM, controlled by those educated classes suppressing this. But the folly is getting through every crack of the wall…
                                        And this applies also to Ukrainians. The better know the novelists, the writers, the artists, the “philosophers”, the historians – at least those known in the West – the more proto-fascist bullshit comes out of their mouths. Well I don´t have to tell you that…

                                        #94544 Reply

                                          Dangerous development: Tucker is on Ukrainian kill list now. He was just added to the Mirotvorets website.
                                          I’m afraid he may be killed, just like Gonzalo Lira.

                                          Max Blumenthal says:

                                          “Has Zelensky sat down with a single mildly critical interviewer from the West? Or does he just put them on kill lists?”


                                          I also see someone reposted Glenn Greenwald’s question

                                          “Who were the American journalists who conducted even minimally adversarial interviews with Zelensky?”

                                          with an answer from Elon Musk

                                          “To be fair, it’s hard for them to talk while givig a blowjob at the same time”


                                          #94560 Reply


                                            “To be fair, it’s hard for them to talk while givig a blowjob at the same time”

                                            Well Musk should know since he is on his knees too, since the getgo, with his Starlink-supply to Zelensky.

                                            #94571 Reply

                                              RAND out with its latest fairy-tales about Russia:

                                              “Planning for the Aftermath – Assessing Options for U.S. Strategy Toward Russia After the Ukraine War”

                                              short version 16 pages
                                              full version 153 pages

                                              #94573 Reply

                                                The German Blog on constitutional legal matters with 3 new Engl. language studies on authoritarianism in Russia and its constitution.
                                                I have just found this. I would guess it is rather biased against Russian society.

                                                However one shouldn´t judge by the book´s cover.

                                                Marianna Muravyeva
                                                Women’s Rights and the Russian Constitution

                                                Caroline von Gall
                                                Regime Adaptation Within Russia’s Judicial Elites

                                                Vladimir Gel’man
                                                Paving the Way for Violence

                                                #94579 Reply

                                                  Jack, re. Musk,
                                                  if he were an idiot, he might not have been able to recognize the contradiction in his statement. But since Musk is a successful entrepreneur, and therefore not an idiot, I believe that he put a different meaning into his words.
                                                  Of course, I’m not sitting next to him and can’t peer into his brain with a magnifying glass, so I use simple empathy for my guess.

                                                  That is, I’ll imagine myself in Musk’s place. This mental experiment shows me that Musk is probably angry at dishonest journalists and lying MSM.
                                                  Because it’s their fault that Musk voluntarily kneeled, perhaps with the sincere belief that he was helping, but in fact he facilitated deaths that could have been avoided.

                                                  In fact, the lie is that big Russia is offending small Ukraine.
                                                  This gives rise to understandable feelings in people – a desire to protect those who are weaker. People understand simple comparisons, so they easily pick up ready-made templates from the media, and are quite convinced that the big neighbor wants to take away the territory from the small neighbor. It’s on the surface, it’s easy to understand, it’s easy to join in, and it resonates with the majority.

                                                  If the media and all journalism were honest, they would talk about NATO, US and EU’s combined efforts to damage Russia. Then, in the place of the small and weak would not be Ukraine at all.
                                                  Russia knows who exactly and what exactly it is opposing, and the opposing bloc of military-allied states downplays its role in every possible way.

                                                  I believe Musk’s harsh words about journalists reflect something like this. He feels deceived by those whose job it is to inform the public: that is, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

                                                  #94591 Reply

                                                    The west is going absolute bonkers over the harmless Putin/Carlson interview, latest is Boris Johnson that summoned so much energy that he write a whole op-ed about it!

                                                    Ex-UK PM slams Tucker Carlson as ‘traitor’ for Putin interview
                                                    Boris Johnson has invoked Hitler in denouncing the journalist’s sit-down with the Russian leader as an “unholy charade”

                                                    Carlson had fallen down on the job by not asking “tough questions” or taking him to task “for the torture, the rapes, the blowing up of kindergartens” supposedly committed by the Russian military – atrocities often invoked by Ukraine’s supporters in the West in the absence of evidence.


                                                    If Putin talk bullshit as they claim, well why then are they getting so nervous about the interview?

                                                    Same occured with Oliver Stone did his interview-series with Putin like 10 years ago, it is like the time stands still for the west, they still throw a tantrum about the issue.

                                                    #94594 Reply

                                                      I looked at Carlson’s Twitter today, there were 173 million views. Johnson is probably afraid that some of those people may start asking questions of Johnson’s role in that peace negotiations in Istanbul 🙂
                                                      Putin also advised Carlson to get answers from other Western politicians, perhaps Tucker would want to do this.

                                                      I’ve also seen posts criticizing the historical background being too long, or the lack of spectacular thrills. Okay, I admit that some of the viewers did not pay attention to that moment at the very beginning, where it was agreed that there would be not a show, but a serious conversation.

                                                      But what I found absolutely stupid was one of the Ukrainian Twitter accounts claiming that Moscow was a village in a swamp when Kiev was a city, back in 9th century. The poor fellow is probably completely unaware that Kiev was not just a city, but a Russian city 🙂

                                                      Anyway, hopefully people will start asking questions. I believe it’s awfully wrong situation when a government says to it’s citizens what they should or should not watch. It’s even worse when a government makes journalism a crime.

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