Since a couple of weeks I’ve noticed that it is impossible to reply directly to comments with my fairly ancient (but updated) iPad. Since Komodo recently mentioned a similar “software glitch” (as he put it) I wondered if something could be done to sort this problem (not that I imagine anyone is missing my modest replies but maybe other readers are experiencing the same difficulty). With thanks in advance.
When you say impossible to reply, what actually happens? Is the reply button not there or what?
Could you try opening a private browser window and see if it still doesn’t work – there have been cases in the past caused by browsers caching stale info after WordPress updates causing problems but a private browser window should bypass that. The time scale you mention matches a major WordPress version update.
Hi Squonk and thank you for your answer. The problem is, I see the reply button, which depresses as it used to, but then nothing happens. I tried your suggestion (opening a private tab in Brave) but clicking on reply sends me back to the main blog page. The problem does not occur on a real computer, only on this iPad (iOS 9.3.5).