Unable to reply to comments

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Unable to reply to comments

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by Iain Stewart.
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  • #41956 Reply
    Iain Stewart

      Since a couple of weeks I’ve noticed that it is impossible to reply directly to comments with my fairly ancient (but updated) iPad. Since Komodo recently mentioned a similar “software glitch” (as he put it) I wondered if something could be done to sort this problem (not that I imagine anyone is missing my modest replies but maybe other readers are experiencing the same difficulty). With thanks in advance.

      #41957 Reply

        When you say impossible to reply, what actually happens? Is the reply button not there or what?

        Could you try opening a private browser window and see if it still doesn’t work – there have been cases in the past caused by browsers caching stale info after WordPress updates causing problems but a private browser window should bypass that. The time scale you mention matches a major WordPress version update.

        #41978 Reply
        Iain Stewart

          Hi Squonk and thank you for your answer. The problem is, I see the reply button, which depresses as it used to, but then nothing happens. I tried your suggestion (opening a private tab in Brave) but clicking on reply sends me back to the main blog page. The problem does not occur on a real computer, only on this iPad (iOS 9.3.5).

          #42054 Reply
          Iain Stewart

            iPad impotence latest: Problem resolved, my capacity to make futile replies has resumed. Over and out.

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