Vaccine contaminants and safety

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  • #54466 Reply

      Paul, thanks for the Times of Israel report. It claims to be based on a report from “Channel 12 news”, but also references this ABC report:

      The ABC report of 9 April is by Josh Margolin and James Gordon Meek. It claims four sources which it does not name, but they themselves are secondary, they were merely “briefed”:

      “As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.

      – Concerns about what is now known to be the novel coronavirus pandemic were detailed in a November intelligence report by the military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), according to two officials familiar with the document’s contents.

      – The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia — forces that depend on the NCMI’s work.”

      This doesn’t ring true to me. The changes claimed, “sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business”, and one of the methods of detection, “satellite images”, suggest an outbreak so big that the Chinese government would not have permitted travel for the Chinese New Year. We have seen how fast covid-19 spreads in multiple countries. Had China not imposed lockdowns, by January the outbreak would have been much bigger than it was.

      What I would like to know is, who briefed the “four sources”? Because I’d like to know in whose interest it is to start this rumour.

      Also Paul, you should note that this rumour started in what you call the “MSM”. We don’t have a whistleblower or any leaked documents here. We don’t even have a primary source, and it contradicts what we know about the rate that covid-19 spreads.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
      #54468 Reply

        Paul, you asked about my source:

        E13 – The Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying | Herd Immunity Won’t Save Us | DarkHorse Podcast
        May 10, 2020 Bret Weinstein Season 2 Episode 13

        #54469 Reply

          The “Last Man Standing” piece by Godfree Roberts is just a propaganda piece for the Chinese “communist” party. Additionally, the “COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27” makes no sense because again, we’ve seen how fast covid-19 spreads.

          I reckon the rumour in the ABC piece above is just a second arm of the World Military Games rumour.

          #54470 Reply

            As for Agenda 21, I see nothing sinister in it, and I doubt you can show me anything of concern without a load of links to right-wing sites. Here’s an article about who exactly demonised Agenda 21 – I assume you don’t support the Tea Party, The American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese and the John Birch Society?


            #54472 Reply
            Paul Barbara

              @ Clark
              The Wuhan Military Games started 18th October; people can have the virus and not show symptoms, but can be spreading it, for two weeks or so. Two weeks on from that date is 1st November. So yes, the first cases started in November, but what they were infected with took time to work out. IF the US had intentionally spread it (which I believe) the US Intelligence would have known immediately what it was, as against the Chinese not knowing. They would have been waiting for it, knowing it was going to come. The time scale fits the Wuhan Games theory. And it is certainly no ‘rumour’ that the US team did lamentably badly – they were referred to as ‘Soy Sauce Soldiers’ in China, with only one gold medal (against over 100 Chinese golds; Bahrein and North Korea both got 9 golds each), and that single gold was not counted in the main Games tally, as the ‘Game’ it was awarded for fell outside the main Games. The first main ‘cluster’ of cases was 42 from the hotel the US team were staying in, though 7 Wuhan Wet Market workers were the first Chinese treated (and they all had had contact with the hotel staff). I don’t think many people still believe it came from the market.
              The Chinese New Year was 25th January in 2019, and they locked down on the 23rd, so some people got out early, others were trapped in Wuhan. As you say, the Chinese would have wanted to lock down to prevent New Year travel, so they obviously had not figured out what they were up against till the 23rd January, or very shortly before then. I believe they informed the world at the end of January, so there was very little delay.
              From the comments to the Israeli article, someone wrote that a plane was chartered to fly some members of the US team back to the US as they fell sick – whether that was the 5 known to have been treated for a fever on 25th October, or others, I don’t know. I had not heard that before, and as I said, it was just in one of the comments.
              As for the November warning being a ‘rumour’, the Israeli TV report seems to have further information which doesn’t come from the ABC report – ‘…The network said Israeli military officials later in November discussed the possibility of the spread of the virus to the region and how it would affect Israel and neighboring countries.
              The intelligence also reached Israel’s decision makers and the Health Ministry, where “nothing was done,” according to the report….’, which would confirm the truth of the ABC report.
              The US Intel and Pentagon and Chiefs of Staff deny the story – but then they would say that especially if they were in on the plan to spread it then bill China for $multi-billions.
              I did put the Israeli TV link in my comments earlier, but you obviously missed it previously.
              Thanks for the extra link, as it’s audio it will take me a while to handle due to my hearing probs.
              Your opinion that ‘…The “Last Man Standing” piece by Godfree Roberts is just a propaganda piece for the Chinese “communist” party…’ doesn’t make it not true.
              Do you agree now that the timeline would fit a Wuhan Games starting point? It wouldn’t have been till November that any warning signs became apparent, then the Chinese had to analyse the data to understand what was going on, but the US Intel were on the case in Novemebr; forewarned is forearmed, so IF the US had spread it intentionally, they would have been waiting for it.
              Re MSM, to my surprise some Israeli MSM is much more open than US or UK media, particularly Haaretz.

              #54475 Reply

                “….people can have the virus and not show symptoms, but can be spreading it, for two weeks or so.”

                This assumes that the first say 10 people who got the virus were all asymptomatic and then passed it on to others for a couple of cycles and all of those for the first few weeks were asymptomatic. But this would be unlikely, any iceberg will have a visible top and a larger invisible submerged bit but no iceberg has no floating top. If some 20-30% of those who get infected have symptoms then it doesn’t make sense that those who were infected early had no symptoms.

                ” IF the US had intentionally spread it (which I believe) the US Intelligence would have known immediately what it was, as against the Chinese not knowing. They would have been waiting for it, knowing it was going to come. “

                That must be the dumbest way to use a biological weapon. You use a virus that is new and about which you know little, and to which you have no treatment or vaccine and that is highly infectious and not racially discriminating and then you stand back and watch while your own country becomes the worst hit and so do those of many of your allies. You are not even prepared for it in any way having ignored all the repeated warnings that a pandemic was surely round the horizon. You must agree Paul that this is fantasy and fiction, not even a conspiracy theory.

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
                #54476 Reply
                Paul Barbara

                  @ SA
                  Fine, but within weeks, we are talking fairly small numbers and symptoms which fit other illnesses.
                  Was it a new illness? It could have been known about, and even a vaccine prepared (no known (to me – I’m not aware of any) high-profile Western government deaths – some ‘alleged’ infections.

                  ‘…and to which you have no treatment or vaccine and that is highly infectious and not racially discriminating…’

                  I suspect that the top-dogs use Gc-MAF, a multi-faceted natural immune booster which they forcefully ensure the public cannot get hold of, and which may have been found to be effective against the virus. They cannot use it for the general population, otherwise the cat would be out of the bag, Gc-Maf is a wonder cure, and that is verboten (because there is no money in it for Big Pharma).
                  Not racially discriminating? It certainly seems to have targeted coloured and Asian people more than whites – you could say that they have a higher percentage of the jobs which make them vulnerable, but that does not hold in Iran, where a number of high-up officials have died.
                  And is it really such a fiscal catastrophe? I have posted before a link showing many billionaires have made a financial killing. Also many people have been expecting a scenario to crash the dollar intentionally, in order to roll out some plastic-based ‘currency’ to do away with cash (just one of the many NWO agendas, like RFID (or similar), and the ‘tracing app’ is a (wet) dream come true to the control freaks.
                  And no, I do not agree ‘…that this is fantasy and fiction…’
                  Yes, I would agree it could be called ‘..a conspiracy theory’, but I certainly believe it.
                  You have made it plain you don’t believe in it – good for you. That does not make it untrue, any more than my believing it makes it true. Time will tell.

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
                  #54483 Reply

                    “Gc-MAF, a multi-faceted natural immune booster which they forcefully ensure the public cannot get hold of…”

                    Gc-MAF for sale

                    Paul, is there anything you don’t know better than everyone else?

                    Say I said to you that diesel engines don’t really work by burning diesel; that’s just a big conspiracy for the oil companies – you’d laugh, right? But you see it’s really the thing you think is an “alternator”; that’s what’s really driving the vehicle. It’s an over-unity generator; look them up, they’re on YooToob… Ever wondered why bigger engines always have a bigger “alternator” and bigger batteries? Well now you know. You still need the starter motor because over-unity generators won’t start on their own, but after you spin them they produce more energy than they consume. You need the big combustion engine to slow it down and waste a load of the energy or it would spin out of control! It’s all based on a design by Nikola Tesla; he knew, but he was suppressed.

                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
                    #54487 Reply
                    Paul Barbara

                      @ Clark May 31, 2020 at 21:00
                      Why post that add? The guy who ran it (David Noakes), and one of his assistants (Lyn Thyer – who herself got a 40% tumour reduction in a week), are in jail, hounded by the ‘Medical Authorities’ and the police.
                      Like I said, the PTB are intent on not allowing the public access to a marvelous natural remedy. I’m surprised the add is still up.
                      They save a lot of lives, and prolonged a lot of others, who had no other options as they were 4th stage cancer sufferers, and had all been given very short periods of ‘time left’ by conventional medicine.
                      You probably know that both radiation therapy and chemo-therapy are killers in themselves.

                      #54494 Reply

                        Like I said, the PTB are intent on not allowing the public access to a marvellous over-unity motor. You fell for that old “diesel” scam? Ha ha. You just believe everything it says in the MSM.

                        #54496 Reply

                          They only trick you into burning diesel because the noxious fumes are part of their depopulation Agenda 21. As you can see, Philip Cross or the like has been at the Wikipedia page. They even discredit it by calling by the weaponised term “conspiracy theory”.

                          #54505 Reply

                            Any comments on this article? I think it is a fairly good summary and it comes from a complementary cancer charity website. Interestingly gc-MAF is not approved for human therapeutic use in the US because it has not passed the appropriate trial stages required to approve medications. Also it seems to be freely available in Japan and other parts of Asia, so stock up to beat the conspiring PTB and beat them at their game.

                            #54515 Reply
                            Paul Barbara

                              @ SA June 1, 2020 at 17:44
                              Thanks for the link – glad you think it;s a good summary – I do too.
                              Dr. Bradstreet isn’t the only doctor involved with alternative cures to die in mysterious circumstances. The US police do seem over-keen on calling strange deaths ‘suicides’, especially if the victim/s are ‘anti-Establishment’. The rate of deaths by such doctors is high, though there are sites that try to negate that fact by ‘working the statistics’.
                              ‘…Gc-MAF is freely available in Japan, China and most of Asia…’
                              I don’t know if that is true, but shall check it out; Immuno Biotech has definitely been closed down. David Noakes, who was reporting regularly to police whilst on bail awaiting a French extradition hearing (he had already served a sentence in prison in England) stopped reporting, and went underground, but recently got caught and imprisoned). His colleague is already being held in prison in France, awaiting trial.
                              The trouble is, Immuno Biotech’s serum needed to be shipped chilled, which is problematical if from Japan, China or elsewhere in Asia.
                              As you will have learnt, or perhaps you already knew, it Gc-MAF is a perfectly natural product, and according to patients who have received it in the past, it has a very good record of either curing or dramatically lengthening their lifetime (many 4th Stage cancer patients who had been given weeks or months lived considerably longer than the conventional doctors had given them, after they had said there was nothing further they could do.
                              Glad we seem almost agreed on this Gc-MAF question, though maybe I have overestimated your agreement.
                              Just one case – a British lady who had been given an extremely short time left by conventional doctors, took Gc-MAF and progressed so well that she retired to Cypress and was doing well, getting her regular Gc-MAF. The British authorities here got in touch with Cypriot police and they twice raided her house, confiscating her Gc-MAF. She died shortly after her supply was stopped. Maybe she would have died anyway, you might say; but it does go to show the lengths the ‘Authorities’ will go to to stop the use of Gc-MAF.

                              #54516 Reply
                              Paul Barbara

                                @ Clark June 1, 2020 at 10:40
                                You are normally at least rational, but here you seem to be grasping at straws. Perhaps you should read SA’s linked article.

                                #54522 Reply

                                  No Paul, you should explain to me why you supported the PTB and the MSM by pretending to fix “diesel” engines, because even a broken clock is right twice a day. What power did they hold over you?

                                  #54533 Reply

                                    By the way Paul. I was in no way endorsing Cancer active although it is not a bad place to start. It seems from what I gather to take a holistic approach to treatment of cancer so that patients may benefit from all aspects of cancer treatment including the promotion of healthy diets and lifestyle, endorsing some natural products and so on, but work with not against conventional medicine. You quote this from the gc-MAF article:

                                    Their Florida Clinic was raided and everything removed. Three days later Dr. Bradstreet apparently committed suicide. It was rather puzzling that he would choose to do this by shooting himself as he drove into a river, especially since as a doctor he would have had access to more dignified ways of dying.

                                    but you seem to ignore the message of the article, that there is no real proof that gc-MAF is a wonder treatment for cancer.
                                    In fact the quacks who promote gc-MAF claim that it works for almost anything other than an ingrowing toe nail, including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome and many other conditions.
                                    Here is a counterfoil for your smug complacency on this subject and the quakery associated with it:
                                    GcMAF, autism “biomed,” and the apparent suicide of an autism quack
                                    In this piece, the blogger who is a surgeon dealing with cancer analysis this whole episode.

                                    James Jeffrey Bradstreet was one of the world’s most famous — or infamous — physicians. He believed vaccines caused autism. He even testified so before Congress. Twice.
                                    But he didn’t just rail against Big Pharma. He also tried to beat it.
                                    Bradstreet offered thousands of autism patients around the globe controversial treatments. He claimed he could effectively cure kids of their autism, cancer and other maladies simply by injecting them with protein shots.
                                    When Bradstreet’s body was found last month in the Rocky Broad River in mountainous North Carolina with a bullet wound to the chest, therefore, friends, family members and patients pointed fingers at drug corporations. The FDA. Anyone but Bradstreet.
                                    “He did not kill himself!” one patient’s parent wrote online.
                                    “May God have vengeance quickly on the evil doers who murdered him!” wrote another.

                                    In any case, Bradstreet fled for North Carolina, and drove three hours northeast to Lake Lure, NC, where he checked into a hotel. There he learned that a First Immune clinic run by Noakes had been shut down in an investigation of five deaths associated with GcMAF treatments. In fairness, it’s not clear whether the deaths were due to GcMAF or just terminal patients dying, but Swiss officials were on the trail as well. Hours after learning of this, Bradford disappeared. He wasn’t seen alive again. Although the investigation is not complete, authorities are satisfied that Bradstreet had committed suicide.

                                    While it’s true that doctors who kill themselves are indeed more than twice as likely to use self-poisoning with drugs or other substances than the general population, they’re actually just as likely to use firearms, even in a population that doesn’t have many guns. In the gun-rich US, firearms are the most common method of physician suicide, being the method of nearly half of physician suicides and only slightly less common than in the general population. So all the incredulous dismissals of the conclusion that Bradstreet killed himself based on the belief that Bradstreet couldn’t have possibly killed himself with a gun because he’s a doctor and doctors don’t kill themselves that way are complete nonsense based on misinformation about physician suicide. To cast doubt on suicide as a cause of Bradstreet’s death will require a lot more than a mistaken belief that doctors don’t kill themselves with firearms, because they do.

                                    The truth Paul is that Dr Broadstreet was trying to fight big Pharma for the profits which he has been making using fake science based on ineffective products.
                                    You know, this discussion has been going on long enough. I feel I am feeding a thread which is harmful fot any readers and for the reputation of Craig Murray. This respected website should really not be used to promote anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. I will do my bit and stop trying to refute your wild allegations based on conspiracy websites. I personally advise others to do the same. It really is not worth the time spent on this, there are other more urgent problems.

                                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
                                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by modbot.
                                    #54535 Reply
                                    Paul Barbara

                                      @ SA June 2, 2020 at 14:01
                                      I shan’t bother to try to respond; in view of your attitude it is clearly a waste of time.

                                      #54538 Reply

                                        Thank you for your efforts, SA. The prevalence of so-called conspiracy theories on this site is indeed a growing concern. Your thoughts on the issue are welcome in the ‘What is Conspiracy Theory?‘ thread.

                                        #54539 Reply

                                          So what wouldn’t be a waste of time, Paul; acceptance and promotion of bullshit? I mentioned bullshit on the previous page but you ran away from the issue by changing the subject. Claims you promote are proven wrong over and over again, but you don’t withdraw or retract these claims. Instead you immediately change the subject, which effectively protects the disproven claims, and I wouldn’t expect you to object to them if someone else promoted them. This is intellectual cheating, and would be called out as such in a scientific or rational discussion. Do you want rational analysis of claims, are or your objectives polemical?

                                          And why won’t you engage about the diesel hoax? Why are you protecting their murderous agenda?

                                          #54540 Reply

                                            Paul, I apologise, I should be more sympathetic. I realise that you only worked on diesels, and like the dumb doctors who give out murderous vaccines without knowing any better, you didn’t realise about over-unity “alternators”, and you didn’t mean to contribute to Agenda 21 depopulation. You just thought you were fixing “engines”. Sorry.

                                            #54542 Reply

                                              mods-cm-org, thanks for your comment. The prevalence of so-called conspiracy theories is indeed a growing concern, and well beyond this site. The entire Internet seemed to offer the promise of bypassing the corporate gatekeepers of news and information, but it has become highly corrupted by the promotion of false claims, many of them life threatening, to the point that for the inexperienced and unwary, the Internet is becoming useless as a source of facts.

                                              With freedom comes responsibility; this inevitability seems to have been increasingly overlooked as the modern moral environment has developed. Peer-to-peer publishing is a relatively new form of freedom of expression, and I propose that to preserve and take advantage of this relatively new freedom we must develop and promote peer-to-peer critical analysis. But that will best occur once some rules of debate have been established. The very methods of so-called conspiracy theorists need to be called out and challenged.

                                              #54543 Reply
                                              Paul Barbara

                                                Open Access Library Journal:
                                                HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World‘. (You need to download the pdf).
                                                So the WHO have been working on abortion and anti-fertility drugs, in conjunction with Tetanus, since 1972. Sorry to disappoint ya’lls confidence in the WHO, but I have been trying to inform you for yonks. Actually proving at this stage that the Kenyan and other vaccines were laced with hCG is obviously hard now, but I shall keep trying to get copies of the lab reports.

                                                #54546 Reply

                                                  “Sorry to disappoint ya’lls confidence in the WHO, but I have been trying to inform you for yonks”

                                                  Yeah, very triumphant. But this appears to be merely the same story as before, recycled.

                                                  PAUL, PLEASE HAVE THE COMMON DECENCY TO TREAT US AS YOUR EQUALS. You are NOT superior to nearly all around you, you are NOT the recipient of special divine guidance, and you are NOT engaging fairly or rationally.

                                                  #54547 Reply

                                                    Until you do treat others as equals, and engage with their arguments, I am very sorry to say that you’re showing insufficient responsibility to have earned the freedom to publish. I abhor censorship, but I see no alternative. If you are unaware of what you have done to provoke me to write this, ASK, and I will explain. We will then discover if you are capable of listening, or whether you feel that information should flow only from you and only to others, ie. your lessers.

                                                    #54548 Reply
                                                    Dr Edd

                                                      @Paul Barbara – don’t start icing that self-congratulatory cake just yet! I was preparing a response about the Kenyan vaccine controversy at the weekend, but then I noticed that the conversation had quickly moved on so I let it go. I’m glad you’ve wound the clock back however, because we have unfinished business on that topic.

                                                      First a quick note about the unreliable authority you’ve just cited. The lead author of that paper is John W Oller – a linguist who specialises in communicative disorders. To quote a reviewer: “Oller is not an immunologist, epidemiologist, virologist, microbiologist, or anything else that has to do with real vaccine science.”

                                                      Notably, he published a book on Autism which argued that it was a consequence of (guess what?) vaccination!. The book has a foreword by none other than the notorious Dr Andrew Wakefield! Here’s an excerpt from the petition to get him sacked from the University of Louisiana for damaging their reputation.

                                                      The scientific community has overwhelmingly concluded that vaccines do not cause autism, but Dr. Oller, who does not have a background in immunology, epidemiology or toxicology, continues to push an agenda  based on false premises and conspiracy theories. In his most recent book, Autism, he even has Andrew Wakefield, the discredited physician who launched the autism vaccine scare, write the foreword.  Not only has Wakefield had his medical license revoked, his original paper retracted from the publisher, and his theory widely discredited, he was found to have fraudulently presented his data with the plan of financial gain.

                                                      Oller’s ideas aren’t just his own – they are directly affiliated with the University. He uses his University website to promote his books, his theories, and links to his blog, where he adamantly makes claims that toxins in vaccines cause autism.

                                                      By promoting this dangerous idea, Oller is threatening the credibility of the University of Louisiana and its Department of Communications.  Because of his position, he also threatens student education by passing off his conspiracy theories as actual research.

                                                      No credible academic institution should support a theory that has the potential to lead to widespread disease. Tell University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the Department of Communications to publicly denounce Oller’s statements about vaccines and autism and to ensure that he doesn’t spread his ideas to students.

                                                      I italicised a phrase which I think is particularly germane to the present argument: “passing off his conspiracy theories as actual research“. He got academic tenure in virtue of his work on linguistics (so he’s obviously an intelligent guy!), and subsequently abused that position to publish nonsense on topics in which he has no training or expertise – only a shedload of ideological conviction.

                                                      Oller recently published a paper arguing that the Bible is literally true (or in his terms, a “True Narrative Representation”). Ahem. He prioritises truth by “revelation” over sceptical inquiry. ‘Nuff said.

                                                      Anyway that’s just some preparatory background … wait till you see what’s wrong with the content of his paper on the vaccine controversy in Kenya! I won’t reproduce it here, but there’s a wonderful demolition of his claims on Skeptical Raptor.

                                                      That’s enough giggles for now. I’m pretty busy with other things, but I’ll aim to post more about the actual tests and the developments in Kenya tomorrow. Till then, sweet dreams. 😉

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