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- This topic has 513 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
Dr Edd.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark September 25, 2019 at 13:45
‘…I take it you mean that the communication components are deadly, which is what I meant by “death ray”. At present this is very unlikely to be true, because they use the same communications infrastructure as the rest of the various communications networks; there is no health basis for singling out “smart meters”…’
You don’t seem to know much about radiation. Radio waves, X-rays, light waves are all forms of radiation, but have vastly different characteristics regarding safety or danger to life, human, animal, insect, plants, trees, according to their frequency and power, and whether they are regular straight-forward waves or pulsed and modulated ones.
So different frequencies can cause different, specific damage to cells, and to specific organs.
This is known to military (and ex-military) microwave specialists such as Barrie Trower.
UVA can be beneficial to humans, forming vitamin D in the body, but too much can cause sunburn or even cancer.
Similarly X-rays can detect broken bones or diseases, but can also cause cancers.
Most so-called ‘Smart Meters’ use very high-power, frequent pulsed bursts, which can go through walls (and human tissue) and cause cell death and mutation.
‘..5G however uses much higher frequencies than before, and health testing of those higher frequencies is insufficiently public…’
That is rather an understatement – Microwave Communications spokesmen have admitted that there is NO testing showing 5G is safe. But advanced militaries are fully aware of 5G’s use as weapon frequencies, though the MSM will try not to report on that. Idiotic ‘thermal tests’ for previous generations of microwave communication is known to be useless, and was insisted on because it was known that the use of that benchmark would allow virtually all commercial frequencies and powers to be utilised.Clark
– “You don’t seem to know much about radiation”
I expect I know considerably more about electromagnetic radiation than you do, Paul. I have been dabbling in electronics for forty years. I have built a couple of radio receivers, and for several years I repaired CRT television sets.
– “Most so-called ‘Smart Meters’ use very high-power…”
That isn’t even possible. “Smart” gas meters run on batteries because they are not connected to the mains electricity supply. High power transmission would soon exhaust the battery.
All radio communications equipment has to meet government licensing requirements, which means you can look up their frequency and power. As best I have been able to determine so far, “smart” meters use either the existing cellphone network, or frequencies 1GHz or lower, similar to wireless LAN, and all are less than 1 watt.
You’re picking up erroneous ideas by uncritically accepting the word of people like Trower. Anyone can claim anything, especially on the Internet, but that doesn’t make it true. Uncritically propagating such stuff just adds to the fog of confusion, which hinders people’s ability to understand.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark September 25, 2019 at 16:42
I made a crystal set in the late 1940’s, very early 1950’s. I certainly did not follow up my interest to the extent of being able to fix TV sets, so apparently I was wrong about your level of knowledge. But you certainly don’t show it in your comments; as for dissing Barrie Trower (on what basis?) it reminds me of your dissing 3,000 + Architects and Engineers, whilst having no qualifications in those areas.
Professor Hulsey and his team from University of Alaska Fairbanks have just put out their 4-year investigation into WTC 7; lots of new developments coming up on that front, but apart from clueing you in, I’ll let you search it out as it is verboten here.
Regarding the gas ‘Smart Meters’, you are almost certainly correct, so I’ll stand corrected.
I went to a very good, and packed, public meeting in Chelsea Old Town Hall last night (Weds. 25th.), and despite my hearing difficulties was very encouraged by the quality of the panel, and the audience:
It’s a pity you don’t check these issues out, instead of relying on MSM, government, Mick West and Corporate propaganda. You would soon realise that the general public, including yourself, are under serious attack.
You accept Global Warming is real, and support the ER business. The reason that is allowed through by the gatekeepers is because some big Corporations can make a bundle by manipulating innocent dupes, like was done in the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Am I wrong? Which of these ‘Arab Spring’revolutions has worked out well for the ‘Soros Revolutionaries’?
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria? Only the latter has not worked to the Soros/NED plan (and Ukraine isn’t working out too well, but that of course isn’t ‘Arab’).Clark
– “…dissing Barrie Trower (on what basis?)”
I may have misjudged Trower; his declaration references many scientific sources, so he appears to have at least done considerable reading.
Actually I suspect that the main reason I dismissed Trower was because you had recommended him. As I keep trying to explain, your approach to such matters is both created by and contributes to the greater problem, which is public misunderstanding of science, and I am not immune to the effects either, it spreads like contagion. It’s the “cry wolf” effect; it was your recommendation that associated Trower in my mind with the likes of Wakefield and Dane Wiggington.
Please, please read Bad Science I simply can’t untangle all this stuff on my own, there is far too much for me, I need your help. The problem is far worse than you suspect, because the disinformation does not come from just one side, it comes straight out of every person’s id-ego system, out of human imperfection itself. Yes, more disinformation comes from the more powerful team, but that is merely a truism, inherent in what we mean by “more powerful”, and it does not mean that conflicting information is any more trustworthy; often it is less trustworthy – out of the frying-pan and into the fire.
– “…dissing 3,000 + Architects and Engineers, whilst having no qualifications in those areas.”
I have O and A levels in Physics (grades A and B respectively, Oxford examination board), and O grade A in Additional Mathematics (which was more than 50% classical mechanics). My school, a state grammar, said I was one of the two best physics students in its history and urged me to take the Oxbridge entrance exam. I didn’t fancy Oxford or Cambridge (too posh and stuffy); I entered Queen Mary College, University of London but dropped out after a year, partly because most other physics graduates were getting jobs with armaments manufacturers.
It is relatively simple to show that, following collapse initiation throughout one storey (by whatever means), the Twin Towers would have undergone rapid accelerating collapse. It is, however, very very difficult to keep a cool head and explain clearly when under continual personal insult by a concerted group, as I was on the 9/11 thread, and especially when no one listens to me, and merely wants to shut me up. When I am in London next month we should arrange to meet, with some pencils and large sheets of paper, for diagrams – I guarantee that we won’t need a calculator.
– “It’s a pity you don’t check these issues out, instead of relying on MSM, government, Mick West and Corporate propaganda”
Bollox. Pardon my French, but I work things out for myself as best I can, and that’s exactly the sort of attitude I was complaining about in my paragraph above. Working things out for myself instead of relying on media (MSM or alternative) is why I feel so isolated.
– “Professor Hulsey and his team from University of Alaska Fairbanks have just put out their 4-year investigation into WTC 7; […] I’ll let you search it out as it is verboten here”
Actually I have already read half of the UAF report. But rather like I dismissed Trower because of your recommendation, you have repeatedly failed to hear what I was saying on the 9/11 Post – namely, that I suspect WTC7 was destroyed by emergency demolition, set up and detonated following the collapses of the Twin Towers. And no I’m NOT saying that to “protect the official story” – screw officialdom – I’m saying it because that’s where the evidence has led me.
– “The reason that [Extinction Rebellion] is allowed through by the gatekeepers is because some big Corporations can make a bundle by manipulating innocent dupes”
Partly, and I’m aware of that. But we need to rebel anyway. You’re leaving our salvation to God. I’m either Godless, or God’s hands – I can’t tell which because I’m merely human. I can’t tell whether the sky will open and salvation arrive from above just in time, so my conscience dictates that I take what action I can against the destruction of all nature. If God turns up and takes over: great. But I’ll quite literally be damned if I sit on the sidelines and let it happen unopposed.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark September 25, 2019 at 12:37
‘..stop spreading ungrounded fears, and instead start alerting people to the real dangers, which would be far more constructive. At present you embody the attitude to science promoted by the so-called “mainstream” media…’
On the contrary, I hardly ever read the MSM (apart from the Evening Standard on the Underground), never mind use their methods.
They try to cover up and obfuscate, outright deny or ignore the truth about very real and important issues.
You accuse ME of spreading disinfo, when you do it all the time (albeit you obviously believe what you write).
Your invitation to meet up in London where you would convince me with a few diagrams that the Towers came down because of planes and fires is a non-starter – I know a damn sight better, so we shall have to await more evidence.
Very glad you’re reading the Hulsey Reprt.
You will be pleased to know your badgering has eventually born fruit – I have just ordered Ben Goldacre’s ‘Bad Science’.Clark
The attitudes promoted by the corporate media diffuse into the alternative media – like I said, they’re a contagion, and deadly to detached, objective analysis.
Good on you for ordering Bad Science. I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be in London from Monday, somewhere around Westminster. If it’s anything like April, our Rebellion should be very good fun!
Oh, one point:
– “…that the Towers came down because of planes and fires”…
I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones. It’s the ensuing progressive collapse that the maths shows to be certain.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 2, 2019 at 10:24
‘…I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones..’
When the building was still full of people??
And many people, including William Rodriguez (who was given a medal by Bush for saving so many people) reported explosions even PRE-‘impct’.
‘..It’s the ensuing progressive collapse that the maths shows to be certain.’
Amazing, you must be a genius, clearly seeing and being able to demonstrate a maths problem which is dismissed by 3,000+ A&E’s, and millions of other people around the globe.
Old Chinese proverb, when your stuck in a hole, stop digging.
Have fun on the Demos – you might find this of interest ‘Greta Thunberg and Big-Biz’ Climate Charade’
There are a number of good articles on Extinction Rebellion on Global Research.
I personally believe man’s activities have caused the problem, and welcome ER. I just hope (though doubt) that the activism spreads to similar activities against wars, illegal unjust sanctions, arms sales, pesticides/herbicides etc., which won’t, of course, garner corporation and MSM support.Clark
We go by XR rather than ER.
Yeah, I’ve read stuff about Greta; the allegations you linked to originated with Cory Morningstar. I’m sure Greta herself is entirely genuine, but of course there is big money trying to make a bandwagon of it. As you’ve said yourself, not everyone making money is necessarily evil, but the love of money is the root of all evil nonetheless. There’s a good MediaLens article up. Here’s what she told the United Nations:
– “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! […] How dare you pretend that this can be solved with business-as-usual and some technical solutions.”
– “Amazing, you must be a genius…”
Actually, you’ll be surprised how simple it is. I was, after the years of befuddlement.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 3, 2019 at 19:43
I wish you well with the demos; it appears the police are planning new restrictions.
Rather than trying to explain the maths to me (I did all right with algebra and geometry, but gave up on square roots and logs, to say nothing of trigonometry), why don’t you present your findings to A&E? It can’t do any harm, and it would not be difficult to email them.Clark
I expect I’ll e-mail David Chandler when I get the chance, but in videos Richard Gage seems angry and unpleasant to me, and I think I’d have trouble maintaining the conversation. Chandler, in contrast, seems very calm and rational.
Regarding maths, nothing more complicated than multiplication and division is required, and even those don’t need to be accurate because most of the margins are huge. The main thing is to have paper for sketching the structure, so you can visualise what happened.
Thanks for your kind wishes. Do come and visit some of the sites; the atmosphere of calm, peaceful determination is incredible. The activists are all sorts of people, from science academics to Christians to shamans. There’s free food and hot drinks (voluntary contributions), and public performance of music, art and poetry. Love is the theme of the site I’ll be on, behind Downing Street.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 4, 2019 at 01:04
I’ve met Richard Gage about four times, and drank in the pub with him. He certainly never seemed angry to me, but he was a bit discomfited when I handed out leaflets at one of his talks which he had not vetted.
Where exactly ‘behind Downing Street’ will you be? Is it Horse Guards Road?
By the way, you seem to have overlooked my questions above:
‘@ Clark October 2, 2019 at 10:24
‘…I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones..’
When the building was still full of people??
And many people, including William Rodriguez (who was given a medal by Bush for saving so many people) reported explosions even PRE-‘impct’.Clark
– “Is it Horse Guards Road?”
That’s where the groups from my area will be, but any of us could be doing anything elsewhere around Westminster. Iain Orr says he’ll be visiting our camp at some point; I’ll ask him to forward you my mobile number.
– “Richard Gage […] certainly never seemed angry to me”
Yeah, but you were in agreement with him! I may be wrong; it’s just an impression I gained from some YouTube videos that I’m having trouble finding again. It’s my own emotional problem; I have to take precautions against getting dispirited.
– “When the building was still full of people??”
Take a look at this:
That’s from Google’s cache. Sorry I can’t link to directly; they had an appeal for funds and now their server seems to be not responding. I really hope we don’t lose History Commons; it’s a brilliant resource:
There are absolutely masses of stuff about 9/11 that we either don’t know, or of which there’s tragic under-awareness, eg. there’s that report of a van full of explosives heading for the George Washington Bridge (if I remember correctly), but I’ve never been able to find any follow-up. Lots of people associate it with Urban Moving Systems and the dancing Israelis, but I’ve never been able to confirm that and it seems to be a different incident.
If it was a different incident, then there were even more entities contributing to the attacks, so looking for THE perpetrators might be a false lead in itself. Grief, there can’t be any shortage of people or groups with reason to resent the US, and such groups might also be manipulated. This is why non-violence is so essential; it is very dangerous to attempt God’s work with the Devil’s tools. The same goes for embellishing the truth to promote its popularity, or overlooking things because they contradict the position we currently favour – it seems harmless or even helpful, but we must beware the echo-chamber, we are all prone to promoting the sensational, and thus spreading distraction from the vital details.
William Rodriguez acted heroically and was lucky to survive, but I find his earlier testimony more consistent with the big picture.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 4, 2019 at 12:35
Yes, I met Iain Orr at Blackburn when I was campaigning for Craig in 2005. I pulled a beautiful ‘double-entemble’ on him (I suspect he will remember!).
Might as well ask him to forward your email as well.
That ‘middle eatern’ looking teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ is a complete new one on me, and I have been avidly researching the issue since 2004. Thanks for making me aware of it – talk about ‘Red Herrings’! I can’t respond in length, as I have just come back from the pub after a good session (in both respects), but when I get round to sending the ‘teddy bear’ baloney (not an attack on you – I am really pleased you have informed me of this) round to the rest of the Truthers I am in contact with, they will burst their sides!
2 AM, I’m pissed and have a virtually all-day Latin America Conference starting at 10 AM. I am going to be late!Clark
– “That ‘middle eatern’ looking teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ is a complete new one on me, and I have been avidly researching the issue since 2004”
Well this is the trouble. Demolition theory and the like have all but completely drowned out other matters. For instance, have you heard of Richard Blee? Do you know of the series of articles (Sunday Times I think) about Sibel Edmonds’ account of Gladio B operations that were cancelled due to pressure from the CIA?
What seems to happen is that people see a story, see that it doesn’t support or isn’t concerned with demolition, and so they ignore or discount it. Whether by accident or design, demolition theory has to be one of the most effective red herrings around. As soon as I’d disentangled Chandler’s error my attitude to 9/11 changed. Without wanting to get too conspiralogical about it, healthy scepticism is always warranted; demolition theory could be a second line of defence after the “official story”, and I’m nearly certain it was used that way against Susan Lindauer.
– – – – – –I texted Iain yesterday but I haven’t heard back from him yet. You should have my e-mail address somewhere because he copied both of us in on some of his e-mails, but my ISP deleted all my e-mails about six months ago so I’ve probably lost my copy of yours.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 5, 2019 at 11:12
Again you jump to conclusions – I hadn’t ‘dismissed’ the crazy teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ because it wasn’t about demolition, I just never came across it, and it was never brought to my attention, which for such a bizarre and ridiculous narrative is very surprising.
I wasn’t aware of Blee, but that is not surprising, as there is really nothing strange about the CIA blocking any articles about Gladio.
I expect to go to a Venezuela talk near Farringdon Underground tomorrow (Monday), in case you’re interested:
I couldn’t find the email from Iain Orr with your email. I don’t have a mobile.Clark
– “I couldn’t find the email from Iain Orr with your email. I don’t have a mobile.”
Thanks for the info; I haven’t heard back from Iain so I’ll try calling him this evening.
The police have already started arresting Extinction Rebellion. They raided the warehouse with the kitchen stuff and spare bedding etc., with a battering ram, no less. Ten arrested on “conspiring to cause a public nuisance”, which sounds about as serious as conspiring to walk on a cycle path. And apparently, we’re a conspiracy!
– “Again you jump to conclusions…”
I didn’t mean that you personally had dismissed it. I meant you’d never heard of it because other hadn’t mentioned it, due to generalised assumptions that have spread throughout the Truth Movement. It’s called “confirmation bias” – our human minds tend to favour evidence that confirms what we and those around us already believe, and it has been demonstrated in numerous psychological experiments.
Blee was to do with the CIA’s Alec Station; I know of nothing tying him to Gladio B, but of course, that would be secret anyway. Try a search on “SecrecyKills”. He was an influential character in the background in the CIA; apparently an officer rather than an agent or an asset. His photo keeps cropping up with top CIA department directors and the like, but there’s very little information about him. But I think it was Blee who illegally stopped the reports that the alleged hijackers were in the US, which is why the FBI didn’t know until too late.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 6, 2019 at 18:33
Hope you don’t get yourself arrested.
Re Blee, I checked the info you gave me: ‘ Statement on the Delay in Releasing “Who is Rich Blee?”:It also refers to Sibyl Edmonds.
For my part, as you probably know, I don’t believe there were any ‘hijackers’, and that the whole thing was an elaborate albeit bumbling attempt to set up a false narrative.Though I’m sure you’re preparing for your Demos in London tonight (are you camping there?), now that you seem to be to accept Barrie Trower as genuine, check this out: (let me know if you can open it OK):
‘’As you can see, he gives all the references, and is himself an expert, having been trained in the British Army in the latest microwave warfare techniques.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Paul I am indeed busy, and entering self-imposed ‘radio silence’ now. Hopefully see you in London.
Paul Barbara
This is a particularly informative video, and is of course linked in to the Climate Changes:
‘Chemtrail conspiracy theory‘-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Paul, in case you’re interested in Extinction Rebellion and how its autonomous groups self-organise, Lambeth Council have ‘informally’ offered safe haven in Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens right behind MI6 Headquarters, and the police are not well pleased! Workshops, discussion groups, public talks and more. All welcome. “We need everyone, and everyone is crew”.
Paul Barbara
@ Clark October 13, 2019 at 20:22
I have only just seen this. I might have a look, if it is still on.Paul Barbara
Unfortunately it is in video format, and the beggining of each line of text is off-screen.
This makes it difficult to check out the studies.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Paul Barbara
Black is white – ‘Perfectly safe’ yet warnings on patient information in medicine packs gives the lie to that statement by the chief Medical Officer of Ireland.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Paul Barbara
Similar to the use and even mandatory use of vaccines on children and adults, we have the false safety standards of mobile phones.
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This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by