Vaccine contaminants and safety

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  • #49901 Reply

      Interestingly Donald Trump appears to be the only major candidate for the 2020 election who believes in the anti vaccine hoax.

      #49902 Reply
      Paul Barbara

        ‘Ten hour siege, a SWAT team… and a TANK: How police dealt with mother who refused to give her child medication’:
        This is an indication to what depths the US has sunk; how long before we slavishly follow?
        Happily, and against the odds, the mother won through, though whether the vaccine-triggered problems persist I don’t know:

        Mother Faces Down Swat Team & Tank For Refusing to Drug Daughter

        Talk about ‘Land of the free’! The U.S. has more per capita people in prisons than anywhere else on earth.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
        #49983 Reply
        Paul Barbara

          Put DARPA and pharmaceutical companies together, stir well, and we have a man-made Pandemic replete with ultra-dangerous never-tested gene vaccines.
          Create the problem, supply the ‘solution’. Like Al Capone and the Kray Brothers’ protection rackets.
          And of course, in the case of China and the Coronavirus, blame the victims.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
          #50045 Reply
          Paul Barbara

            Plot thickens around the China Coronavirus outbreak:
            ‘New evidence emerges: Coronavirus “bioweapon” might have been a Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrong… genes contain “pShuttle-SN” sequences, proving laboratory origin’:
            Yet another whistleblowing scientist whose career was crushed because she told truth to power, Dr. Judy Mikovits (see video on link).

            #50082 Reply
            Paul Barbara

              ‘…This corporate domination is exactly why, in 2014, the current Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet stated that “the case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue……”

              #50084 Reply
              Paul Barbara

                @ Paul Barbara January 25, 2020 at 23:27
                The Tulsi video is now available.

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                #50085 Reply
                Paul Barbara

                  ‘Francis Boyle: Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon‘.

                  Whilst it may have leaked from the Wuhan lab, if we ask ‘Cui bono’ perhaps another player wanted it to appear that way…

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                  #50187 Reply
                  Paul Barbara

                    ‘Are We Ready for Digital Pills to Affect Our Brains?’:
                    Hey, stop worrying! We can trust ‘Big Brother’/’Uncle Samuel’, can’t we?
                    We just KNOW that the PTB have our best interests at heart, don’t we?

                    #50204 Reply
                    Paul Barbara

                      A slight digression from vaccines, but all clearly linked to the PTB’s war against ‘We The People’:
                      ‘Genetically Modified Seeds: Conceived as a Weapon’:
                      ‘The Eco-Politics of Spermicidal, Genetically Engineered Corn’:
                      Wakey, wakey, Sheeple!
                      ‘GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed’:
                      It may seem absolutely crazy to believe that the PTB are intent on Human Culling, but in a spiritual sense it makes perfect sense. And the ‘Perpetual War’ concept, pushed by the West and NATO (and foreseen by George Orwell in ‘1984’) should be a further wake-up call to those who harbour the illusion that the PTB care a fig for the masses (that’s you and me).

                      #50409 Reply
                      Paul Barbara

                        Never Trump Fundamentalist Calls for Anti-Forced Vaccination Activists to be Sent to Camps‘.

                        China brought into law a Mandatory Vaccination Law last year.
                        Bill Gates planned RFID chips to be included in vaccine shots.
                        I don’t know about going to hell in a handcart, more like in a toboggan.

                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                        #50476 Reply
                        Paul Barbara


                          ‘….The final ruling has been confirmed by the Department of Health and Human Services: Merck’s Gardasil vaccine causes autoimmune problems that cause sudden debilitation and/or death. This ruling supports claims that the vaccine is just too dangerous to risk, and to date we know of at least 271 young women who’ve died after getting the vaccine, and over 57,520 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccine….’

                          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                          #50495 Reply
                          Paul Barbara

                            Get a load of this!: ‘Do NOT Have the Coronavirus Vaccine with Del Bigtree‘:

                            Especially frightening from 22.24 on.

                            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                            #50503 Reply
                            Paul Barbara

                              I should have added it is unfortunate Del Bigtree does not explain what credibility the Chinese guy has at the end of his video, it is just tagged on. But Del’s exposure of the dangers of the SARS vaccine are frightening enough in themselves.

                              #50532 Reply

                                I agree with your point on drugs – in fact, that also applies to antidepressants – one should be extremely careful with such, especially when now it’s not hard to find a rehab. Some useful info on the topic here: I think it’s extremely important to apply in time.

                                #50685 Reply
                                Paul Barbara

                                  Medical groups get kickbacks for pushing vaccines

                                  Doctor loses job for telling the truth.

                                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                                  #50686 Reply

                                    Who? Context? Balanced?

                                    #50688 Reply
                                      #50689 Reply
                                        #50690 Reply

                                          The rise of anti-vaccination movements in parts of the Western world poses a dire threat to people’s health and the collective herd immunity. People of all ages have fallen victim to recent outbreaks of measles, one of the most notable “eliminated” diseases that made a comeback as a direct consequence of not reaching the immunization threshold for MMR vaccines. These outbreaks not only put a strain on national healthcare systems but also cause fatal casualties. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that all stakeholders in the medical world – physicians, researchers, educators, and governments – unite to curb the influence of the anti-vaccination movement targeting parents. Research has shown that even parents favorable to vaccination can be confused by the ongoing debate, leading them to question their choices. Many parents lack basic knowledge of how vaccines work, as well as access to accurate information explaining the importance of the process. Furthermore, those with the greatest need for knowledge about vaccination seem most vulnerable to this information. Further, we must effectively combat the wrongful demonization of vaccinations through social media and news media platforms. A qualitative study that explored how parents respond to competing media messages about vaccine safety concluded that personal experiences, value systems, and level of trust in health professionals are essential to parental decision making about immunization. Therefore, to combat the anti-vaccination movement, there must be a strong emphasis on helping parents develop trust in health professionals and relevant authorities, educating them on the facts and figures, debunking the myths peddled by the anti-vaccination movements, and even introducing legislation that promotes vaccination, if not mandating it.

                                          Source: The Anti-vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine, by Azhar Hussain, Syed Ali, Madiha Ahmed, and Sheharyar Hussain – Cureus 10(7), Jul, 2018.

                                          #50733 Reply
                                          Paul Barbara

                                            ‘Aluminum Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease? 7 Pieces of Evidence’:
                                            ‘The Evidence Linking Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease
                                            A team of neuroscientists led by Dr. Walter Lukiw, PhD, Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience and Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University, has been studying the potential contribution of aluminum to the onset, development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease for about 30 years. Dr. Lukiw and his fellow researchers recently summarized the research linking aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease in a peer-reviewed article published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.[1]

                                            “Aluminum’s contribution to Alzheimer’s disease is based upon at least seven independently derived observations,” the researchers stated.[2] Briefly, those seven pieces of evidence are:

                                            Aluminum strongly promotes beta-amyloid plaques in the brain at levels corresponding to those currently found in humans.
                                            Aluminum promotes inflammation in the brain by increasing the pro-inflammatory molecule known as nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB), a prominent feature in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
                                            Out of the many thousands of brain gene messenger RNA molecules (molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to cause gene expression), aluminum increases the same ones that are increased in Alzheimer’s disease.
                                            Adding aluminum to the diets of animals with Alzheimer’s disease causes additional brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease such oxidative stress, programmed cell death, and deficits in gene expression.
                                            Aluminum also causes the same types of cellular energy deficits that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease, such as impaired signaling involving ATP and energy utilization.
                                            A very significant number of studies link the amount of aluminum in drinking water to the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. (Worldwide, aluminum is added to drinking water as a clarification or “finishing” agent.)
                                            Out of all the Alzheimer’s disease drug treatments tried to date, chelation using an aluminum chelator has been shown to be one of the most effective therapeutic strategies yet….’
                                            Sure, there are sites and ‘experts’ that say the links of aluminium and Alzheimers are not proven – choose your experts. I’ll try to take the ‘Precautionary Principal’.

                                            #50735 Reply
                                            Paul Barbara

                                              Scientists Resume Efforts To Create Deadly Flu Virus, With US Government’s Blessing

                                              ‘…Governments around the world (primarily the US, Israel, Russia and China) have spent over $100 BILLION studying how to weaponize diseases .
                                              Every day THOUSANDS of alleged health science scientists and their support staff go to work every day to develop new bio-weapons.
                                              This March 2019 Forbes article is about just ONE of these perverse research projects. There are hundreds more we’ve never heard about…’

                                              • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by modbot.
                                              #50736 Reply
                                              Paul Barbara

                                                @ SA March 8, 2020 at 09:06, 09.20b and 09.35
                                                Sorry, I only have the info in the video.

                                                #50769 Reply

                                                  Just a reminder of the importance of vaccines. Certain killer diseases have become a thing of the past because of vaccinations. Here is a list of epidemics.

                                                  #51145 Reply
                                                  Paul Barbara

                                                    ‘They WANT it to spread: Kaiser Permanente threatens to FIRE nurses for wearing N95 masks while treating coronavirus patients’:
                                                    Not unlike some First Responders on 9/11 cleanup being ordered not to wear protective breathing masks, so as not to frighten Wall Street workers off.
                                                    But Big Pharma have our health at heart! Sure, tell that to the Marines (or the nurses).

                                                    #51146 Reply

                                                      Big pharma is out to make big money
                                                      Big pharma to make money has to be seen to be successful and useful in fulfilling most aims of drugs (a biological way of looking at this is that successful parasites don’t kill or weaken their hosts and in fact some symbiotic organisms benefit the host and themselves as well)
                                                      Big pharma sometimes get things wrong
                                                      Big pharma like any big corporations like to create monopolies
                                                      Big pharma lobby governments and put placemen on government boards for their purposes
                                                      Big pharma are part of big capitalism
                                                      Many vaccines save lives and have rendered some diseases like small pox extinct and others like measles much less of a problem.

                                                      I would like you to tell me if you agree or disagree with any of these statements or indeed if you have a list of your own you want to add to these statements.

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