Who are the “Angry Patriots Club” of Russia?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Who are the “Angry Patriots Club” of Russia?

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by DiggerUK.
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  • #91092 Reply

      This group came to my attention via OffGuardian. I have no problem seeing them as patriots, but suspect they could also have nationalist leanings. All new to me though.

      The author from OffGuardian writes “Most of their questions are highly pertinent; some of them are a bit superfluous; a few—in your correspondent’s humble opinion—are misguided and a bit silly”


      Here is a bit more background…_


      #91120 Reply
      Pigeon English

        Interesting questions.

        ” but suspect they could also have nationalist leanings”

        Yes they give me impression of some hardliners.
        Let’s carpet bomb Ukraine to stone Age.

        Never the less many many weird paradox decisions.

        #94324 Reply


          Igor Girkin, one of the founders of the “Angry Patriots of Russia Club” (sic) is in the news again. Not that you would obviously pay any attention, it hasn’t been top of the news agenda.
          He’s just gone to jail in Russia for being involved in extremist activity(?) What I was unaware of was his connection to the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH17.

          “In The Hague in 2022, in absentia, Girkin was found guilty of the murder of 298 people: the passengers and crew of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17”

          Beginning to see something more than a non story here. Greasy Rosenberg from the BBC is on the case though…_

          #94647 Reply

            Consortium News post a very thoughtful critique of the Carlson/Putin interview. It contains this consideration:-

            “The risk Putin ran was that under Carlson’s questioning he might inadvertently embarrass himself politically at home by exposing his earlier years of trust in the West. This trust was not finally extinguished in him until the crucial betrayal by Kiev under Western pressure of the agreement to end the Ukraine war, then still in its first weeks….

            Putin paid dearly for his decision then to withdraw Russian forces that had almost surrounded Kiev, as a gesture of good faith he said to the Kiev regime and its Minsk Accord guarantors, Germany and France….

            Initially stunning the Kremlin with its cruelty and cynicism, Putin was then exposed to damaging criticism from harder-line Russian nationalists that he had been too gullible, putting Russian lives at risk”

            The line taken by Igor Gorkin and his ‘angry patriots’, echoes the former Wagner leaders criticisms and presents a picture that serious threats could face Putin because of his poor judgement.

            Planes falling out of the sky and an ‘angry patriot’ in jail could be connected…_


            #94648 Reply

              Difficult to know DG. Wasn’t it postulated at that time by various commentators, such as b at Moon of Alabama, Scott Ritter and others, that the Russian advance on Kiev was a feint to draw the massed Ukraine forces away from the Donbass region? Didn’t they surmise that Russia didn’t have enough forces advancing on Kiev to realistically occupy it.

              My take from the interview was that Putin was highlighting just how untrustworthy the west is and that Russia along with other nations will bear that in mind in their diplomatic dealing with western powers in the future.

              #94810 Reply

                …I initially misread: “Who are the Angry Parrots Club of Russia”…

                #94817 Reply

                  Many commented that the advance on Kyiev in 2022 was a rue de guerre, it was very plausible.
                  However, following the leaking of Macron and Merkels phone conversations, it became extremely plausible that Putin made a fatally bad judgement call in withdrawing forces when on the outskirts of Kyiev.
                  It also needs to be taken in to consideration that Russia could have done both.

                  Since then there has been the Wagner group affair, the Navalny affair and the subject of my thread, Igor Girkin and The Angry Parrots(sic). It seems at first glance that there is a rhyming sound connecting these news items.How significant the relationship between them all are is hard to gauge, based on what we know to date.

                  One Norwegian Blue in jail and two resting Norwegian Blues…_

                  #94823 Reply
                  will moon

                    DiggerUK, if you take a closer look you’ll find the two resting are pining for the fjords and the one in jail is pining for the Czar.

                    Strelkov, and the others are discussed by Rolo Slavisky on a Substack blog called “The Slavlands Chronicles” or something close to that.

                    He has an unusual take on matters, not to all tastes, but some of his ideas are worth considering when trying to form a view of Russian politics and the wider ramifications of the SMO. He has Putin as weak and has huge contempt for Shogiu. He charts the fates of the various dissidents, both left and right, providing more details of the doings of the Slavlands than most sources I am aware of. A little immature on occasion but it is for the data that I have read the blog, the writer’s idiosyncrasies are secondary

                    #94833 Reply

                      @ will moon, thanks for the heads up on Rolo Slavisky. You’re right, he is an acquired taste, a bit in your face and full of himself, but I find nothing to dislike about him. He is not a full on historical investigator, but definitely informative. I do quite like his chutzpah.

                      I don’t think Putin feels secure in his power base if the truth be known, don’t forget, he was trained by the Stalinist rule book…_


                      #95391 Reply

                        The Russian Presidential election is on course to be a non event. No question who will win.
                        That being said, there is only one issue I see as causing Putin any concerns…How many votes will the Communist Party receive. They came second last time with 11.9%.

                        Tenuous connections between the Wagner affair and The Angry Parrots Club led by Igor Gorkin, lead me to speculate that there is possibly a more than insignificant grouping in Russian society that is deeply critical/hostile to Putin’s handling of the SMO.
                        If there is any significant uptick in The Communist Party vote, i.e., more than 2%+, then it should be seen as more than a nothing burger. They are after all the only ‘other’ significant group in the campaign.

                        Oligarchs falling from 10th floor windows and the likes of Navalny suddenly dying are, in many ways, non events. I’ve often viewed the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Navalny with the same disdain as our own Christine and Neil Hamilton anyway…_

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